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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Why haven’t scientists focused research into genetic manipulation for the creation of more disease/parasitic resistant humans that can possibly be expanded on more? Is it because there would be no more stuff to sell if medicine becomes obsolete?


Because of niggers
I will elaborate in the next message


That sounds vague


Elaborating further.
If we try to make people immune by gene modifications, we would also be able to eradicate down's syndrome and other bad gene mutations. So who says we wouldn't start eradicating other shit genes, like autisms gene or manlet genes.
This is where slippery slope starts. Rich people would be in a position to modify their kids to be arian hyperchads einsteins. And since most of rich people are white, this would make nigger babies unwanted and we will use them as biofuel, which is BAD, OKAY?



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