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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Why is it so superior?
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>>nobody said that here because I'm a selfish little fuck who didn't buy soot's PARTYPACK PREMIUM (newGODS don't know they're using the Standard Version) that came in with exclusive features such as seeing hidden posts made by mutual PARTYPACK PREMIUM users and being able to post on hidden boards such as >>>/plan/ (where the avatarfags of the week are recruited) >>>/intel/ (where 'cord screenshots are archived) and etc


Yeah yeah yeah bla bla bla twittertranny. If you were here in soot era you would know PARTYPACKS(trademarked). Just say you're new here and get it over with.


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Get help dude


>>>7966 (You)
>>>7965 (You)
>>>7963 (You)
>Get help dude
Shut up twittertranny


Holy schizo above me

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why is it so superior?


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Microsoft developed an OS in four years that is still more technologically advanced than Linux.
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>if I don't care about it then it doesn't exist
lintard logic


Enlighten me on what OS NT ripped off.


Wrong. Mary Maxwell sat on the board of IBM which allowed Gates to get the contract for the PC operating system. Microsoft bought 86DOS from Tim Paterson and released an improved version as IBM PC-DOS. 86DOS is a clone of Digital Research's CP/M, but without multiuser (not the kind you are thinking of) support. 86DOS contains no code from CP/M and was written in x86 Assembly while CP/M was written in PL/M. IBM did reach out to Digital Research to license CP/M but the most likely reason that they didn't get the contract was because DR sold CP/M for more money than Microsoft would sell PC-DOS for. Windows NT is completely unrelated to Gates and is the brainchild of Dave Cutler.

Because you listen to fear mongers. About every version of Linux released before 2022 has an exploit that allows for root access.


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>doesn't know who dave cutler is


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>nvlddmkm.sys has niggered your vindumbass compooper

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Troonix woke up with a brand new distro and it's name is a Antix Linux which is "proudly anti-fascist".
Raid the forum 'teens, be sure to do a lot of fascism bait.


Antix isn't brand new


Antix is pretty good doe for a light os


wasn't on board until you told me it's retarded woke bullshit geg


>be sure to do a lot of fascism bait.
I would but I don't really know what fascism is because the word has lost all meaning and is just "I don't like your opinion" at this point.


you don't have to know what it is just spam insults

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>parents bought new flatscreen with jewtube tv
>they're having playback errors with a baseball game for some reason
>asked to fix it
>assume it's some glowing drm problem, look up the error
>they don't check your IP for location info
>they make you fucking log into another device, turn on your location, and 'verify' (datamine) that all your devices are in one place to watch local stations
why do people pay for this


Are paypigs really doing this bullshit just to watch some TV its easier just to pirate shit.


average person is retarded so yeah

TV is retarded anyways so it attracts them.

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Ever since my dad lost weight he looks indentical to Terry Davis, and he's also a programmer who spends all day hunched infront of his ubuntu desktop. But unfortunatly he isn't schizophrenic. When I grow up I want to be like Terry Davis/my dad.
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Tsmt, lsd is odorless tasteless and liquid and can go through skin you can make him schizo if you buy some and drug him

Also while he is high on LSD do fucked up things like saying the same things over and over or changing things place in the house


yeah OP, you gotta mkultra your dad


>can go through skin
it can't.
Albert Hofmann was known for having had spontaneous "oniric" experiences in his life and it was only a case that LSD turned out to be actually a psychedelic





>a person with a father on the sharty
you NEED to go back

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What text editor does /tech/ use?
28 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




use xnedit retard


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GNU Emacs isn't really that slow, but you could try https://github.com/hboetes/mg
Same, it btfos every other text editor so hard, bonus that it can play music while i write with bongo and easy note taking and todo lists with org mode


I was searching something that was able to be like emacs apart from editing (music, small browser, image viewing etc)


oh yeah and I forgot about org mode... I'm pretty sure there are no alternative geg

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is it faggy that i installed windows on my 2013 macbook




Just use OpenBSD




its only gay if you dont have linux on it

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is it good enough to steal people's wifi from a long distance and never pay for internet ?


>Including your search with the link
Data: mined

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the state of 4nigger moderation


>make low quality post
>surprised when you get banned for making a low quality post

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