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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Ever since my dad lost weight he looks indentical to Terry Davis, and he's also a programmer who spends all day hunched infront of his ubuntu desktop. But unfortunatly he isn't schizophrenic. When I grow up I want to be like Terry Davis/my dad.


look into hallucinogenics and audio spotlights. you could make him schizophrenic


I wish I could look up to my dad like that.


Tsmt, lsd is odorless tasteless and liquid and can go through skin you can make him schizo if you buy some and drug him

Also while he is high on LSD do fucked up things like saying the same things over and over or changing things place in the house


yeah OP, you gotta mkultra your dad


>can go through skin
it can't.
Albert Hofmann was known for having had spontaneous "oniric" experiences in his life and it was only a case that LSD turned out to be actually a psychedelic





>a person with a father on the sharty
you NEED to go back

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