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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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If you use QWERTY ("keyboard" layout designed to stop typewriters from jamming due to typing too fast), then you're essentially computer illiterate.
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lol this only happens if you have a garbage keyboard that is a pain in the ass to type on, i use pic rel and never had any problems, i literally type 12 hours per day or longer on it
>wintoddlers don't have colemak included by default
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, and you are shilling this garbage as something that contains everything you'd ever need by default?
it doesnt even have a fucking package manager, yet it somehow manages to take up 60GiB on your hard drive by itself.


don't know why you are talking about windows. Debian doesn't support Colemak in the installer and most distros certainly don't support Colemak-DH out of the box. If you are using DH, you are almost guaranteed to have to create your own keylayouts for operating systems like Classic Mac OS and DOS.


>classic fagOS and DOS
you mean baby toy OS garbage absolutely nobody cares about or uses?
>most distros
its in X11 though, you install them when you install X11, or its in your kernel even, working in a tty


Tech is for trannies, this board should never have been created


>nobody cares about or uses?
I use both

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average unix/plan9 fan




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Frutiger Aero was peak tech aesthetics
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Because I haven't gotten around to learning the prerequisites to make my own Illumos distro that has all the best software preinstalled


hes literally me





Yes. Brave. Go dilate, firetranny.

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>i must complain about winkike for no reason or however the neovagina is dilated
<i must bump troonix threads with pointless arguments or however the vaccine is taken
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>the only neovagina here is yours, wintoddler


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>i must spam same three images to continue OS wars even tho they make country wars look like aryan gemeralds in comparison or however the r/unixporn is browsed


Tsmt. Main reason I switched to POP OS


Linux is unfortunately filled with troons. What about bsd?


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thats literally worse than winkike
linux-libre exists, go compile your own kernel faggot

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Looking to replace my old LCDs and QLED shit is too expensive. Any recommendations?
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do people still use this board?


i use this board


its slow but not dead


>get crt to own the chuds
>phosphor has BBC burnt in
>cathode emission is fucked, image is dim
>heater reads open
>CRT cant be replaced because nobody makes them
>custom component inside died and is irreplaceable
>the 40yo electrolytics dry up,
>this also destroys all the nearby parts
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>BBC burnin
happens if you display the same image for 10 years straight, on OLEDs it happens after a week
>image is dim
happens after 20+ years of runtime, OLEDs are much worse and barely have better blacks than CRTs
only TVs are noisy
>heater reads open
what do you mean?
>cant be replaced wah wah
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>Quantum degeneracy pressure is a real thing
>Proton is the most stable particle
>Ideal gasses have no potential energy at 0
>Momentum must be conserved in pair-production
>Photon energy is dependent on frequency and not intensity
>electrons diffract because we say so
>Faster than light travel is impossible because a jew said so 100 years ago
>Stationary waves don't transfer energy
>Brownian motion isn't a psyop
>Resistance is proportional to voltage
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proprietary malware, take your meds and leave the soyence fags be


yeah my bad, proton is that greek philosopher


yeah my bad, proton is that greek philosopher


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take your meds


>Resistance is proportional to voltage
nobody says this doe

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>i won't switch because it cannot play call of juden slava ukraini edition or something


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i must play pac-man at 30fps because that's what jewtler would have wanted or however the boot leader is broken


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NO ARROW ALERT!!!!!! NO ARROW ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO FUCKING ARROW RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i can play minetest, runescape, and crazy taxi at 60Hz
minetest runs at 160Hz, but your garbage monitor isn't even able to do that anyway.
>no arrow
therefore you look like this and say this
a real GNU user would know that GNU is the best operating system for running video games, next to FreeBSD.

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>install a single rust program
>CPU usage 100%
>htop doesnt even show me what eats my CPU
what the fuck is wrong with this mental fucking illness?
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this is always at 1% or less for me


>operating system that doesnt crash 20 times per day
i have been for like 8 years now and it has only bluescreend like once


niggas using sway ?


I don't even know what the Windows 10 blue screen looks like


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now try running something that isnt approved and verified by microsoft, like a driver for old meme gaeming hardware, gay RGB shit from 2010 or so
>NIGGER YOU ARE WAY OVER YOUR H-Segmentation fault (Core dumped)
its not designed for multitasking, of course it crashes if you try to give one program memory used by another program
exokernel when?
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Smart doorbell cameras increase racial profiling experts found.

What are some ways to not have technology be racist?

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I want to use an OS that (at least) doesnt spy on you, is fully secure and anonymous, and hasnt got a community that is infested by troons. Tiny Core Linux, Haiku OS, OpenBSD, freeBSD.. which is best for anonimity and devving (with at least a good support for most PC/laptop hardware).
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temple os ( no tcp/ip stack = no spyware )


use debian or windows 10 ltsc. haiku is great but i don't think it's ready for prime time yet


>doesnt spy on you
nothing that includes proprietary shitware of any kind by default, or has it in its repos
haiku contains blobs and other proprietary software, openBSD contains proprietary firmware blobs but kicks out nonfree drivers (they have another definition for "blob", lunix chuds call nonfree firmware "blobs" while BSD cucks call nonfree drivers "blobs", they do this so they can say "we don't include any blobs", while they actually mean they dont include any proprietary drivers), freeBSD has a similar policy, and tiny core lunix is a meme, it doesnt work for doing anything other than running ls (probably not even GNU ls lol) and most likely doesnt even have any space left for fitting proprietary blobs into its kernel, or any other non-required drivers for that matter, which means that neither your GPU, nor your wifi, or your fancy proprietary wifi card and RGB keyboard would work, and say goodbye to fully fledged and functional X11.
just stick with any GNU distro that allows you to do what you want and/or doesnt include proprietary blobs by default, such as parabola, guix, gentoo (you gotta deblob that manually), or if you dont know how to use a computer, trisquel. (meme)
literal PoopOS
also this, terrys 2 meg distribution only includes the base OS without any bloat, and TOS doesn't even have drivers for stuff like USB or x86's ring system, everything runs on ring 0, you dont have usb, and you dont have networking, just as god intended.
enjoy your PS/2 and CD-R I/O in 640x480.
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gnupedo strikes back with mucho texto

>TOS doesn't even have drivers for stuff like USB or x86's ring system

TOS has code for Ring 3 in /Demo/Lectures
/Ring3.HC and part of a USB driver on the supplemental CD. Fake TOS fan probably doesn't know the contents of the Fs pointer.


none of that is finished, let alone functional
a 20 line poc is not a driver, take your meds.

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