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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1688314051531.jpg (163.79 KB, 900x675, 1338091.jpg)ImgOps


Frutiger Aero was peak tech aesthetics


Graphics are bloat




i fucking hate it. flatshit has less artistic merit so its worse but this is almost as bad.


niggereger aero has sovl albeit


It has the "soul" of a chinese person (corporate slave drone automaton)


flat design is the peak of software design and everyone who isnt a contrarian who worships fisher price UIs agrees with this


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>Frutiger Aero was peak tech.
Except most of it was proprietary


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frutiger aero is the liminal spaces meme of gui design. every time i hear someone say it, i cringe. heres some REAL sovl


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even more SOVL


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it is what it is




All ugly as fuck. Why do soul tards think that grey blocks looks good?


soulless subhumanoid


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This. 4cuck users are retarded and think the most bland shit is "SOVL" when it's actually boring, bland souless garbage that nobody cared about and was forgotten about by anyone who isn't autistic.




UI on the right looks like chinese plastic, UI on the left looks like STEEL. 90s UI design is aryan. you're just mad because you were born post 2000 and youre confused


Both of them look like chinese plastic albeit


no the one on the left looks like megalithic steel, marble, and granite. the one on the right looks like a mcdonalds toy


the one on the right looks like glass thoughie


glass can be broken, steel and rock are eternal. the image on the left evokes the immutability of ancient monuments. it's not a style first and foremost - but a way of efficiently drawing widgets that are striking and perceptible to the user. the style comes from the utility of it.


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>glass can be broken, steel and rock are eternal. the image on the left evokes the immutability of ancient monuments. it's not a style first and foremost - but a way of efficiently drawing widgets that are striking and perceptible to the user. the style comes from the utility of it.


on the other hand, aero IS a style before all else. styles go OUT of style. the image on the left will never go out of style becauses it's timeless. flat design would be as well if it wasn't eyestrain inducing dogshit


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>>>7562 (You)
>>glass can be broken, steel and rock are eternal. the image on the left evokes the immutability of ancient monuments. it's not a style first and foremost - but a way of efficiently drawing widgets that are striking and perceptible to the user. the style comes from the utility of it.


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>>>7563 (You)
>>>>7562 (You)
>>>glass can be broken, steel and rock are eternal. the image on the left evokes the immutability of ancient monuments. it's not a style first and foremost - but a way of efficiently drawing widgets that are striking and perceptible to the user. the style comes from the utility of it.




i look like this


I've seen some flat/low texturing 3D effects executed well, quite gemmy if you do it right
people miss the 3D the most I'd think, not glass.png


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This is gemmier than any aero coal


the lowest of the low


And what would you prefer, the soulless flat muted grey and rounded edges of discoal?


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oh my god xister it's like you're using the computer from SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN in REAL LIFE!!!!!!! MAYBE WE'LL FINALLY BE REAL WOMEN AFTERALL


what's this


My computer. I've been autistically customizing my UI config to use the same hue of green.
My computer looks nothing like the NAVI from japanese lawnmower man though

The GTK theme I'm using is a modification (recolor, resize) of SGFC (Simple Grey Flat Compact) theme, with a green-recolored Symptom7 window manager theme. It saves pixels, and in my opinion, looks way better than retarded themes like arc and materia

You will never be a real woman.


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Another screenshot


this only looks good because you have blender open


I'm showing my custom Blender theme. If I can nigger rig a consistent user experience with low effort theme modifications, then so can you.

CSS is piss easy, tedious at worst, modern web designers have zero excuse for their coal.


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tsmt, xp was the peak of ui design


now THIS is a gem, why can't technology look like this?


Because I haven't gotten around to learning the prerequisites to make my own Illumos distro that has all the best software preinstalled


hes literally me





Yes. Brave. Go dilate, firetranny.

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