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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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how are we gonna recover from this?
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modern chinkpad coal




Why do nu-thinkpads look more like Dell Latitudes than actual thinkpads?


because real thinkpads stopped being produced around 2008/2009

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Not fond of dinosaur evolution


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fun Edition

A general dedicated to discussion & development of AI Chatbots


https://github.com/AlpinDale/pygmalion.cpp [CPU]
https://pastebin.com/Ah5ZUcGE [Node.js install guide (Win7)]
https://laika-ch.itch.io [Laika’s LiteVN]
https://rentry.org/Pyggymancy [Guide]
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up give me claude now


>windows 7
>proprietary "open sores" shitware everywhere
kill yourself AI faggot




Free gpt4 for the time being.
Btw it's secretly logged so just spam nigger if you don't want to use it seriously.

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VVVVVVVVGHHHH...... frutiger aero SOVL..........
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welcome to the world of Troonix


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they look better than any proprietary hard coded bullshit youll find on fagOS or winglows, you can customize everything you want, and change everything you dont like
themes are gay and i dont have any UI elements i look at that should be themed anyway, i have a window manager, a terminal, some GUI shit, and thats it.


Guys if i install windows 7 on my puter will I get hackered? I just want a cool os but linux never interested me


>will i get hecking hecked
>cool OS
>but lunix never interested me
TempleOS, openBSD but deblob it


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>Pixel Experience
>Custom recovery
>Custom ROM
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>hecking privacy


there is nothing wrong with anything of this except for safetynet


it's kinda sus that grapheneOS works only on google's pixel


It's because google phones are easier to work with / don't have retarded locks preventing you to tinker



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>kill yourself obsessed faggot


Kill yourself obsessed dutch faggot



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is deepin linux good


Use windows or something


kill yourself faggot


no it's chinese malware


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proprietary meme malware, chinesium edition
>or something

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this is coal we want /tech/ back
make /sci/ its own board
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I have to agree I like discussing on /tech/ and posting there but idk what this science board is even for. Doll I hope you’ll revert it back.


sci will just be tech but with even more retarded schizos and avatartroons, and a bunch of coal homework help questions maybe


Doll we want /tech/ back




doll give me /tech/ back so i can schizopost without soyence niggers in my threads :(

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I put my keyboard retainer clips back in wrong and now there's no bounce in my keys


Okay I pried them off and put them back in the right place


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i dont have this problem



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Bring back /tech/ doll


this. bring back /tech/ and delete this coal doll. nobody cares about soyence


i dont care about soyence either, computer soyence will never be real soyence anyway.

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