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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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>I fucking love science!


I trans heart hating science


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>i-i trans heart hati- AAAAA!
<Wanna speak up, punk? Or do you want a wedgie? Your choice.


jock sissy woke up from their powerfantasy wet dream as expected from GoonerTyrants


michigan jock wedgies cord woke up

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Now that the sharty has filters can you guys share some useful filters to clean out the trash from /soy/
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Do any of you have JS code to hashban images. Or a github repo I could steal code from

To add to the User JS in Options


New filters just dropped






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>Ctrl f
>No laptop stickers thread
Lets fix that /sci/
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>all my friends are here to take it slow


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>/sci/ -Soyence and Technology


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>>/sci/ -Soyence and Technology

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wat nonoko do?



sends you to index page after making a thread, quite useless


what is an Index page tho




Marge it didn’t do shit

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>Oy vey! why them bomb only killed chinks and no whitey goyim ,moy vey!

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Or Gemco. Or something
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I don't use windows, so why would I need one?


anyways I am working on a text filter that transforms english into soyspeak, gonna take some time though


I thought binary could be converted into the assembly language of your choice?


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the process of converting binary to a programming language is called reverse enginereening
>I thought binary could be converted into the assembly language of your choice?
swap what you said for it to be true


only make this apply to everything else that isnt the command line or any kind of code
you should be able to override X11 window contents with text somehow, if its not rendered weirdly
>inb4 gayland
gayland will never be a real display server
any language of your choice that isnt interpreted meme bullshit (lets say C) can be converted to assembly of your choice by a compiler, which is then edited by you, or just directly converted to binaries.

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Is this a good laptop for schoolwork (just microsoft office & web browsing)? I'm on a tight budget and I need something that will fit on a small school desk.
I read on plebbit that it has full GNU/Linux support too.
Price is in US dollars.
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>>muh gaymes
You're the one bringing up games as a performance metric, not me. Did you not read my post?
>you DO have hardware acceleration
The GMA 4500MHD in your beloved Thinkpad doesn't do anything newer than MPEG-2, I'm 99% sure most video meeting software uses at least H264 or VP8/9.
>it works as long as you're not screen recording
Like you might need to do if you're sharing a presentation in an online class?
The UHD Graphics 605 can basically handle any encoding except for AV1, which isn't used much yet anyway. Still a million times better than whatever comes in the X200.


i dunno but x264 works at 4K without any trouble, and x265 works on 1080p without any dropped frames
...at least in mpv with --vo=gpu-next, i dont know about your proprietary poorly engineered garbage with shitty performance
i dont even know if i have hardware acceleration for x264, but for vp9 i absolutely dont, yet i can record webms just fine, for some reason it actually performs BETTER than x264 when i screen record.
>sharing a presentation
then you minimize the hecking meeting and dont play video games at the same time
>durr hurr actually something something overpriced cope
i bet your hardware acceleration performs shittier than my software video playback anyway kek


>newfag comes in and takes the gnucoper seriously because he doesnt know any better
you hate to see it


not reading that shit


name one reason not to take me seriously
are you too lazy, too poor, or too retarded to install libreboot, get a crt, get a thinkpad, etc...?
low iq

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>starting an x11 server for every different application that you use so that they can't tamper with one another
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Not this BS again. X11 fixes this 20 years ago with XACE extension. They also added mandatory access control, so you can control exact permissions for each operation for each application. There is also a gui for that.


That's a virtual display, for read only (see the XWAYLAND0). This is needed for compatibility in xwayland.


yeah, the intelligence of a gayland shill/user clearly shows...
he doesnt even do anything on his computer other than maybe open up a web browser
...that runs on XWayland under the hood anyway


>NOOOOO you need to be able to set your display to 6 gorillion by 6 gorillion despite no such monitor with an absurd resolution existing because uhmm uhm uhh YOU JUST DO!!!


yes you do, and gayland toddlers cant even fucking interlace
run swaymsg -t get_outputs and show me what it says!

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>visit /sci/
>its just computer science
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get doe


wasted get, faggot

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