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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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File: 1690391233559.png (134.09 KB, 859x960, Cobby (Gigachad).png)ImgOps


>starting an x11 server for every different application that you use so that they can't tamper with one another


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>starting an x11 server for every different application that you use so that they can't tamper with one another or do simple shit like having a working clipboard or screen recording


>he doesnt have a physical whiteboard or vhs camcorder to use for those tasks


do gayland trannies seriously...
imagine not being able to just use x11grab and ffmpeg, LOL


>x11tards prefer an insecure outdated display server so that they dont have to write a slightly longer ffmpeg command to screen record




>slightly longer ffmpeg command
give me an example on how to screen record with ffmpeg on gayland then
>inb4 fbgrab as root
such security, having to run literally everything as root, right?
and fbgrab has some weird bug that messes up your video, it looks like a crt with fucked up deflection coils or an incorrectly calibrated image
>outdated and insecure
wshowkeys exists, you can keylog gayland
you can also use some hacked together r*st version of xdotool that ACKs randomly and doesnt work, and have to run a daemon as root in the background for it to work
you dont even have modelines for your monitors, you dont even have a working display KEK


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>wayland doesnt have modelines


now try to actually create a custom modeline and apply it to a monitor
cvt -i 1889 1488 33
there, try using that on gayland, and actually make it apply to your monitor(s) instead of some virtual Xgayland bullshit
"1896x1488_33.00" 127.25 1896 2000 2192 2488 1488 1491 1501 1552 interlace -hsync +vsync


Not this BS again. X11 fixes this 20 years ago with XACE extension. They also added mandatory access control, so you can control exact permissions for each operation for each application. There is also a gui for that.


That's a virtual display, for read only (see the XWAYLAND0). This is needed for compatibility in xwayland.


yeah, the intelligence of a gayland shill/user clearly shows...
he doesnt even do anything on his computer other than maybe open up a web browser
...that runs on XWayland under the hood anyway


>NOOOOO you need to be able to set your display to 6 gorillion by 6 gorillion despite no such monitor with an absurd resolution existing because uhmm uhm uhh YOU JUST DO!!!


yes you do, and gayland toddlers cant even fucking interlace
run swaymsg -t get_outputs and show me what it says!

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