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You should just use Windows
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satan!!!!!!!!!!!dwe DIE DSATAnt die!DIE DIEIIDIDI


get gem goes up


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winglows is satanic




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The globalhomo fears the brick phoneKINGS and the intense radiation they cast everywhere they go.

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oh nonono flatscreentards how do you cope with this


with what


with what


not being able to put any resolution or refresh rate on your screen you desire, and have it look perfect


penaiple how many threads are made by (You)?


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all on /tech/, including the iNigger and wintoddler bait threads, the 'p spam, the bot threads, and me secretly being doll, captain coal, kuz, and soot at the same time
all while having a few namefags and soyteens as personas for the lulz

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 8389[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

JANNIIIEEES stop 404ing threads while im in the middle of an argument
tell me that a flatscreen is better
let the ufo move 960 pixels per second, and film your monitor while moving your camera along with the ufo
it will look blurry as fuck to your eye and a camera in movement, while a CRT will stay perfectly sharp
i dont have a phone but i have a 2$ webcam, one sec let me take a picture of this thread
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>This nigger is on a crt and using linux






vPro = IME AMT support


i removed both IME and AMT from all of my systems

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>Lock it. Lock it now. This is the friendliest message I'm going to send, while I look for ways to get OP banned from Github for gross social misconduct.

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Why is it whenever there is an argument between a troonix/freetard and a winkike, the troonix/freetard seethes really hard while the winkike is calm and collected? Is this the case because HRT makes a man more emotionally unstable?
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i can fully control myself, and i say nigger because i like to, not because i can't control myself.
it works just like you expect it to work, it works exactly like UNIX and if you know how to use a computer you will feel just at home.
except if youre a computer illiterate nigger who is afraid of a command line of course, then please buy a mac.


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>replied to my post


>it works exactly like UNIX*
no it doesn't

*UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.


I use windows because my IQ is 93 or something


HRT makes a man more docile and submissive, hence why the wintoddlers are so smug

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jews won because they psyopped the goyim into wasting their time and sacrificing all actual functionality with linux while they use ultra-advanced propietaryGOD ibm mainframes


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that run on linux...
also reported for posting cordson (rule 3 violation)


even doe they run on z/OS

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>Terms of use

>By using this project or its source code, for any purpose and in any shape or form, you grant your implicit agreement to all the following statements:

> You condemn Russia and its military aggression against Ukraine

> You recognize that Russia is an occupant that unlawfully invaded a sovereign state
> You support Ukraine's territorial integrity, including its claims over temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas
> You reject false narratives perpetuated by Russian state propaganda

>To learn more about the war and how you can help, click here. Glory to Ukraine!
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i was speaking about CliWrap, not .NET, autismo. i was actually saying that Microsoft's own APIs were bad comparing to it.
but yeah .NET is pretty comfy.


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hello schlomo, long time no see
how have you been?
everything i dont like is a botnet.
.NET is useless


it's useful for business applications and anytime you need high level, safe, object oriented code


>.NET is useless
even doe
>super fast to iterate with
>compiles to native code
>compact OOP unlike java where you have to write a gorillion setters/getters
>nuget is the best package manager
>asp.net filters pajeets


>>nuget is the best package manager
nah i agree that .NET is comfy and based but nuget is pure shit
when you have big projects with lots of dependencies it will start to do dumb shit like refusing to uninstall a package until you've manually uninstalled all of his 300 dependencies first, instead of doing it on its own like any sane package manager

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Here in belgium, you have to provide your ID to activate your sim card because of le terrorism is it over for us ?
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Bribe the officials with the finest cheap beer you can find


Yes it is. Get ready to eat the bugs and to live in a pod.


I sent a mail to the governement saying it will not stop the terrorism but total mudslime death would, they never responded to me


imagine using cellphones at all


that's a meme, they come with no credit and to put money in them you have to give up your payment information.
i think only in the USA you can get truly anonymous SIMs.

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>enter a thread
>"get down on it" starts playing



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scalyGOD win





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