kek, this is CliWrap isnt it?
i remember reading this shit one morning when i was at work, i've never wanted to punch the monitor so bad in my life
>>8988(the library is actually very good tho, if you're a .NET dev and dont use it already you should look into it. it's basically a functional version of Microsoft's APIs for interacting with the OS' CLI, and unlike those it isnt a giant fucking mess)
>>8986this is a violation of the GPL, cuck license tards BTFOd!
>>8989>.NET (aka botnet)>goodkek
>>9035>this is a violation of the GPLGonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe? Maybe shit and cum?
>botnetGNU Guile (botnet)
>>9035i was speaking about CliWrap, not .NET, autismo. i was actually saying that Microsoft's own APIs were bad comparing to it.
but yeah .NET is pretty comfy.
>>9036hello schlomo, long time no see
how have you been?
>>9043everything i dont like is a botnet.
>>9044.NET is useless
>>9048it's useful for business applications and anytime you need high level, safe, object oriented code
>>9048>.NET is uselesseven doe
>comfy>super fast to iterate with>compiles to native code>compact OOP unlike java where you have to write a gorillion setters/getters>nuget is the best package manager>asp.net filters pajeets №9060
>>9059>>nuget is the best package managernah i agree that .NET is comfy and based but nuget is pure shit
when you have big projects with lots of dependencies it will start to do dumb shit like refusing to uninstall a package until you've manually uninstalled all of his 300 dependencies first, instead of doing it on its own like any sane package manager