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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Why is it whenever there is an argument between a troonix/freetard and a winkike, the troonix/freetard seethes really hard while the winkike is calm and collected? Is this the case because HRT makes a man more emotionally unstable?


i dont use linux because i hate using commands for everything and i dont want to become some kind of gay computer wizard to make it do things that winfarts does easily.


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>wah wah wah i dont like the command line
that means you're a nigger
besides, you don't even have to use a command line on GNU if you don't want to, the difference is that GNU gives you a choice between CLI and GUI, winglows just forces you to use a GUI because it doesn't have a functional command line.
if you want to do anything out of (((their))) design on winkike, you can't. if you want to do that on GNU you gotta do it with the command line.


Just proves what I'm saying, someone says "I don't use linux" and the other person explodes


where did i explode, i just pointed out that everyone who doesnt like command lines is a technology illiterate nigger


i do not want to spend hours learning how to be a tranny. i want to fire up a new os and use the way i expect it to work.


by the mere use of nigger, winkike etc. just shows that you can't control yourself!


i can fully control myself, and i say nigger because i like to, not because i can't control myself.
it works just like you expect it to work, it works exactly like UNIX and if you know how to use a computer you will feel just at home.
except if youre a computer illiterate nigger who is afraid of a command line of course, then please buy a mac.


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>replied to my post


>it works exactly like UNIX*
no it doesn't

*UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.


I use windows because my IQ is 93 or something


HRT makes a man more docile and submissive, hence why the wintoddlers are so smug

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