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/tech/ - Technology

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>Do real life
>everything owned by same five companies
>do internet
>everything owned by same five companies


Just don't use the things owned by the same five companies dumbass
people pretend like there is no choice, even doe rn you're choosing to be on a website that is owned by some random forklift driver


>people pretend like there is no choice
there is no choice or escape thoughie


no one is forcing you to use them. I don't use Google/intel/amd/Microsoft/apple whatever shit and I'm fine


you use VIA?


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>Oy vey, goyim! Just use the Intel... you wouldn't want to be using "troon" CPUs, would you?


ARM is a shit company that will charge you $2MM per core for licensing and then $2 per core royalties. You really use an ARM shittop?


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>oy vey goyim, use the (((trustzone))) processor designed to be opaque bullshit with no control registers and upgradability sponsored by apple


Jooz, chinx, and britbongs


>built in isolation features are bad because they just are ok?


>backwards compatibility and upgradability is bad because... I SAID SO!!! HAIL JOE BIDEN!


never said that


okay armtard


dont like arm.


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i dont use anything made by jewgle, microshaft, amd, etc...
i do use some intel and IBM shit, but that doesnt matter as long as the thing in particular respects my freedom
i'd even run drivers written by jewgle if they were free software and actually worked, and probably already run some jewgle code because they most likely contributed to coreboot.
if you cuck your freedom out to anybody it doesnt matter who it is, intel, microshaft, a random forklift driver, etc... you still cuck your freedom out to someone, which is bad.
arm will never be a real architecture
>BBC micro
dont use modern intel cpus, arm is just as bad as modern intel or ayymd cpus, probably even worse if you consider all the crapple and phonebullshit garbage that uses arm.
PPC and RISC-V exist
the intel ME and AMD PSP are even worse than that, just stick to pre-2008 intel or pre-2012 AMD (which sucks btw so just use pre-2008 intel)


>PPC and RISC-V exist
yet almost nobody uses them.


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i use them




yes i run gentoo on my old PPC mac


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is this you?


yeah that's me


I will kill you tranny


yes :3
not me albeit
come and try :)



>you wouldn't want to be using "troon" CPUs, would you?
unironically yes

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