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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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File: 1690220699531.png (2.04 MB, 2731x3648, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


https://www.3dgifmaker.com/ — Simple but varied moving 2D/3D shapes
https://poyopoyo.gifanimaker.com/ — Silly bouncing animations
https://dominik.ws/art/movingdots/ — Makes your image into a bunch of moving dots (due to a bug, the GIF thumbnail looks even gemmier when posted here)
https://photomosh.com/ — Glitchy animated effects that can be mixed
https://makesweet.com/ — 3D CGI animations
https://pixiz.com/ — 2D animations
https://picmix.com/maker/app — Stickers to put on your image for the 2000's MySpace feel
https://github.com/Akascape/Ascify-Art — ASCII art generator
http://www.malinc.se/m/ImageFractals.php — Fractal generator
http://www.malinc.se/m/ImageTiling.php — Hyperbolic tiling generator, similar to above
https://aidn.jp/wowa/ — Draw an illustration that dances (you can import your own pre-made soyjak through Chrome Devtools)
https://aidn.jp/nobasu/ — Stretch an image


Mostly coal


Mostly gem


you mean coal, make your own 'jaks you faggot
>stretch an image
holy shit, are proprietard webshit toddlers really this poor?
just install gimp.


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>>>9572 (OP)
>you mean coal, make your own 'jaks you faggot
>>stretch an image
>holy shit, are proprietard webshit toddlers really this poor?
>just install gimp.


gnuschizo woke up


File: 1690247036163.gif (2.5 MB, 427x400, MOSHED-2023-7-24-19-19-52.gif)ImgOps

>gnuschizo woke up




tsmt pin this


File: 1690257628149.jpg (60.66 KB, 452x664, nobasu.jpg)ImgOps


File: 1690272777041.gif (3.19 MB, 500x483, pixiz-25-07-2023-10-12-34.gif)ImgOps

what a gem

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