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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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There is a genuine chance the Jesus could have been part European if you look at it from a non Christian Lense, when Mary got pregnant the area was actively have Roman soldiers cracking down on the area, Mary could have been impregnated by an Italian solider


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>Mary the virgin got impregnated by a roman
nice try


Yeah, that’s him.


Did not know that thank you


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Mary was impregnated by a roman solider. His name was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera.


I remember I listened to a podcast with one of the guys that worked on this theory and there's this part in the gospels where Jesus goes in a house whilst in a village which had evidence of former conscripted roman soldiers or something like that, but they don't say what he did when he got there. Kind of suspicious


So he was the first proto-mutt?


Who gives a single fuck retarded christcucks go seethe on twitter and rape children or something idk


what about all the "impregnated by god" thing? wasn't mary suppose to be a virgin and her husband yosef a theo-cuck?


>accoring to modern mainstream media
very little modern mainstream media portrays Jesus as black
>but but muh /pol/ infographic found like 3 examples of where they do, including one tiktok from a 14yo girl


>very little modern mainstream media portrays Jesus as black
sure, but you always find some "we wuz kangs" syaing Jesus was black.

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