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/tech/ - Technology

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I can't fuckin stand that parabola linux attention whore costantly avatar fagging both on /soy/ and /tech/





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Even doe he is right, its nice to see there is people like me on this board


i use linux too but i hate his manner, i was talking about parabola linux since it's his avatar






no one has heard of motif or cde


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I have though


lute im soot from the skribble.io, don't avatarfag please it's cancer :D


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>Hostname: Tux


*parabola GNU+Linux-libre
and seethe
motif will always be a gem doe


nobody is seething you're just a retard


motif sux


>gets triggered by the most easily triggered freetard in the world
lol lmao even


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>don't avatarfag please it's cancer :D
sure thing sooty soot, not going to neofetch next time.
(also it is funny that I am the only one using dragonfly on this board)
think of a better 3 letter name, the word "BSD" sucks as it can't be spelled, the dragonfly mascot "fred" consists of 4 letters which disqualifies it as a hostname.
from jehanneOS, an operating system which is trying to make plan9 compile with gcc in order to honor Richard Stallman and the GNU project
Leaving GitHub

>Meanwhile, a lot of things changed in the cybernetic world around Jehanne.

>First, the blatant steal and distribution of valuable copylefted code by Microsoft through GitHub Copilot automatic cut&paste&string-replacer, made me realize that mainstream copylefts, including the various GNU GPL licenses, are deeply flawed.
>The problem is not just the math-washed abuse of fair use, that was not accounted by the licenses, but the limits of copyright application themselves, in a context were Judges can be fooled soo easily.
>To address this, I rewrote the Hacking License to work both as a license and as a wrap contract explicitly that extends the reach of the copyleft's reciprocity to "every work that somehow depends on, includes, integrates or otherwise extracts value or data from or through the" covered work.
>Its purpose "is to create a cultural and technological corpus that will grow and evolve completely and exclusively as a common heritage of humanity."
>This should address the tragedy of the garbage: whenever you throw your work away like was it was garbage, it won't benefit society, but the future abusers that will privatize it.
>Jehanne is still mostly licensed as GPLv2 but, with the recent publication of Plan 9 as MIT by the Plan 9 Foundation, several indipendent evolutions (including 9front and plan9port) rebased their code base to MIT.
>So I could do basically the same, after removing the few lines of code inherited by Harvey still present.
>Then, with the most fundamental components (kernel and libc) under MIT or under my own copyright, new development would be under the Hacking License (unless FSF will produce a convincing new GPL version in the meanwhile... but I do not hold my breath).
and what did you get with your GPL? you now have less freedom as you can't distribute your software with software licensed under other copyleft licences (ZFS is an example)
But no one cares about licenses anyways, you want to settle something settle it man to man, not in the courts.


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BSD is a cuck operating system

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