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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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How do I go about learning the practical knowledge needed to effectively use gentoo?



So what, just try to piece something together that works?


The installation tutorial should be where you learn to… install gentoo


I see… maybe I'm overcomplicating the whole thing in my head.


If you're not familiar with linux/unix commands at all, then try installing Arch first


Ive used arch before
I use it currently.


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>Ive used arch before
ive used both arch and gentoo before
arch is a pain in the ass for 3 reasons:
binary based
after my system broke because pacman is a garbage package manager, i tried installing gentoo again and ever since that ive been using gentoo on every machine i own
in my opinion gentoo is way easier to use and maintain than arch
gentoo is also simply amazing for older machines, pic rel


>mutable distro


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hello mental outlaw


how smooth does gentoo run on such an old cpu?


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He won

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