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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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What do gentoo/parabola do that Ubuntu can't?


Be stable or whatever fries the composting


Ubuntu is stable idiot


ubuntu is one of the most stable distros ALHOWEVERBEIT


Waste days of your life


ubuntu is not stable at all
>What do gentoo/parabola do that Ubuntu can't?
for gentoo:
best package manager
>able to remove kikeware like wayland, pipwire etc with power of use flags
>easy way to compile and mantain your own kernel via gentoo-sources
>easily block nonfree software
for parabola, its literally just arch but with nonfree software filtered out, so same things arch can
gentoo taking a long time is a meme lol


just werks
doesn't work

what more can I say


Gentoo and Parabola are free distributions, the latter is certified by the Free Software Foundation. Ubuntu uses a little proprietary software such as Snap. If you want a free distro that is easy to use, use Trisquel. No guarantees that everything will work fine though.


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>What do gentoo/parabola do that Ubuntu can't?
Run a Flatpak or Appimage without having to do some bullshit workarounds. That's one of the reasons why I stopped using Jewbuntu anyway, also pulse audio frustrates me.
I use Fedora now because it just werks for all my heckin steam games and whatever else.


>can't waste days of your life
I've spent a lot of time ricing ubuntu thoughie though, and fixing it when it breaks


Don't rice then



At least that’s what I’ve been told by some people on this board. Did some more research, apparently the backend is proprietary.


which doesn't mean anything because it does not run on your computer.


USE flags, all the configs, compiling everything from scratch but without it being a pain in the ass, automating nearly everything, PKGBUILDs/ebuilds, AUR, only requiring one package manager instead of 4, and needing 0-1 installations of GNOME instead of 10+ since you wont need flatpak or snap cancer\
also, customize all your shit, choose between lets say alsa and pukeaudio, or lets say kikewire if you really wanted to use that for some reason
picking between soystemdick or openrc, or whatever else you want to slap onto it
heck jewbuntu doesnt even let you pick your own WM/DE
on gentoo or parabola/arch you get a tty and install your own WM/DE, or live in a terminal if you prefer that


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nuh uh

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