>>8308Details aren't nowhere near close to finalized, but they're designing a system with a few tenets of design. For one they're planning on releasing a sort of Motif 2.0 toolkit as an alternative to the Linuxisms going around. It'll be rethemable unlike Motif 1, but still quite elegant and EZ to program in, unlike GTK and Qt that currently exist everywhere. However, X12 will support multiple Renderers for your programs, so GTK and Qt stuff will still work, pure X11 and Wayland protocol stuff would too. It's to be designed in the native APIs of your system, like those experimental Wayland compositors but by design. Systems these days normally use OpenGL, for contrast. It'll use a system of Berkeley sockets and other IPC for communications, trying to avoid D-Bus and things like that. Though the coalition is also working on another Message Passing system, I think X12's gonna be able to run on just standard POSIX facilities. You'll be able to signal even through the filesystem through something like sending the X12 commands used to make the services or your pixel buffers to a var socket if you don't want to work lower level with the GPU or with any special toolkit. This isn't finalized yet but they'll be using multiple modular components as opposed to the Wayland style of everything just being one compositor. X12's gonna be the program-to-frame layer. The window manager will be easily swappable but it'll interface with the compositor and the compositor will interface with the GPU
so it goes X12 provides standard layer to applications and renderer, renderer renders things according to how X12 and your window manager asks it to. DEs will run their components as X12 clients
One X12 service will just be rendering through the GPU, which if you call through the API that service will get a direct line to pass Graphics through the composition. Sending software rendering is possible as an X12 service that sends bitmaps through Composition, though I've got no idea why you'd do that with the way X12 services work.