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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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why does need too many pins, WHYYY
also microcontroller thread


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rotated the image.
I used those two piece of shits.
wemos d1 r32




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an io expander could be your fren
or https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/


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for those kind of simple led projects it's pointless, but i do use this steroid-powered arduino. Zamn, this board has more build-in features than any other boards


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Also use this gif to do an animation test


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After 3 months... He finally got displayed
u cant just multiplex this display. It already got that.





sharty saving gem


Tranny coal


>chudjak is tranny cause uhhhh it just is ok


>chudjak isn't tranny even doe it was made by them


the gem that saved the european continent or however hitler is concerned


proud of you chud, gem.


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what would be the best IMU for "recording" a roller coaster ride onto an SD card that isnt mil spec shit?
>MPU6050 salvaged from one of those zoom zoom hoverboard things that liked to go on fire only goes up to 16G but is a full IMU, hacked up the board to expose the I2C buss wires and the input of the AMS1117-33 voltage regulator
>ADXL375 is only an accelerometer but has a range of +-200G's
>ICM-40609-D is a full IMU, but it only goes up to 32G's
i may also design a screen and buttons into the case (pain as i can only use openscad lol)

ima go bash my head on the compiler and see if i can get the imu values to all display on the screen first before i proceed to get the sd level shifting board


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well that was easy and painless, no clue whats up with the accelerometer's z axis lol


mpu6050 is trash, I would use a bmi088 or lsm6dso, Adafruit sells a lsm6dso breakout, also honestly I would rather just log straight to a flash chip and then have serial prompt that allows you to read out the data to CSV in serial format. I did that for my datalogging instead of messing with a sd file system.


>The LSM6DSO has a full-scale acceleration range of ±2/±4/±8/±16 g and an angularrate range of ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps.
anything higher? id much rather over engineer this thing instead of getting home to play with the logged data and find out its all garbage and maxxed out sensor readings


and for the flash thing... yea i have large MX25L128's but an sd is more convenient even if i am doing exactly what you did and just splattering data all over the sd and reading it with other software

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