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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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linuxfag here ama


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zorin > arch linux


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speech bubbles killed the 'booru albeit


Would you say you’re more of a pedophile or hebephilie? Do you have experience with tails OS?


nigga im a minor i dont think i can be a pedo nor hebe. idc about relationships. and no i dont use that kike OS.




>my entire personality is talking about the OS that i use
i hope you get hanged faggot


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this is now a desktop thread though


>wm GOD
keyed i used sway i3 and suckless i cant get myself to use them idk why


I've only ever used dwm
I like it because I can customize it (like I can customize my body)


even doe trannies use gentoo


>my entire personality is talking about the OS that i use
i hope you get hanged faggot


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>that nose
applefags … jews???


the op is a parody of another thread that was the exact same thing expect macfag instead of linuxfag albeit


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the funniest thing is when I made that thread I knew that it would trigger freetards the most


rate my rice or something


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why do desktopthread trannies always open up a bunch of images and cli programs and then they scatter them all over the screen

thats not how you use your computer you dumbass
show me your real desktop and how it looks normally

I fucking hate desktopthread trannies


all of them just fullscreen their browser & never touch the terminal



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this is how it looks like


how good are you with Linux? would you say it is easy to learn?


Do you have nightmares about systemd?


im not going to tell you THOUGH. thats not how to use linux retard you dont ask people you read the wikis to fix youe shit


yea switching to gentoo inshallah


>fallling for the linux meme


>fallling for the windows meme


I was just curious, l never asked you to fix anything. Stop being such an insufferable faggot


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>I was just curious, l never asked you to fix anything. Stop being such an insufferable faggot


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>soydev IDE
>not vim



When did you first take HRT?



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I love macOS


The omgxisa sisters




















doll won't lock the board before I can say endeavoros is the best distro

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