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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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File: 1691847897530.png (81.53 KB, 660x564, Everything.Search.Window.png)ImgOps


Unix-likes can't run anything similar, even macOS. XD


they dont need it because search actually works on Linux lmao


I can run notepad.exe on linux albeit?


what point are you trying to make here


not the way Everything does, unixtroon


that unix is shit


OS X has spotlight though


takes 2 minutes to search my drive
takes 0 seconds


its the other way around lmao retarded toddler
scanning an entire drive on Linux takes seconds
scanning a mere folder on Windows takes minutes
and the fact that you have to download third party software to be merely on par with what Unix has had by default for 50 years is just embarassing


spotlight is unixtoddler garbage


I can't even tree my drive on linshit without taking 55 gorillion years, bell labs cuck


File: 1691877871270.mp4 (134.59 KB, 840x740, wrong.mp4)ImgOps

you are gnu/wrong


>ugly UI
opinion discarded


looks way better than your windowstranny Everything app + you can theme it


gtk's UI is retarded and themes make it look worse + it relies on Xorg and Wayland


You can make it look however gnu like. It doesn't look that different from Everything for me


its called ls and grep, take your meds

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