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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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how do i install windows 7


buy windows 7 then put the dvd in your computer



you niggers never tried a windows 7 install.


While incomplete, both of these are still correct



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>sir i will need you to do the needingfully and go the microsoft certified download page and download the microsoft windows 11 installation medium and install the windows 11 operating system and not the windows 7 because that is how the curry is being served or something benchod


Find the Indian guy on YouTube simple


what da hell tha tmeans


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>>sir i will need you to do the needingfully and go the microsoft certified download page and download the microsoft windows 11 installation medium and install the windows 11 operating system and not the windows 7 because that is how the curry is being served or something benchod


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i dont understand jak shit


Why do you want it? It's not compatible with a lot of new stuff


Forgot to mention that Intel dropped support for it as well, so good luck getting it to boot if you're on anything 11th gen and beyond, and it will NOT install to NVME drives


I was wrong, only 7th gen and before Intel processors will launch Windows 7


Install windows xp


torrent it from 1337x

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