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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Does anyone have experience with the reduced lens method ? Does it make sense scientifically speaking?


Scientifically speaking IDK


dont look a screen for too long
remember to blink alot while looking at screen
do outside and focus on distant objects


do look a screen for too long
remember to not blink while looking at screen
stay inside and focus on near objects


Makes more sense than "eye exercises" and other Baits nonsense


i've been looking into this shit after this thread and if it's real all optometrists need to get fucking killed holy shit


it is real, basically you can make your vision better by switching to the opposite of whatever your prescription is.

and start with the lowest strength first, so basically the text will be slightly blurry at first, then you focus in your eyes, and you start learning to read better.

then when you read without glasses it'll be clearer eventually


That's not how it works retard


it does work (tho)

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