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What brand of shoes do you wear?






Nike, but I won't buy them anymore. Overpriced and average quality


I wear Atalaia military boots

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>welcome to the /qa/ board, how autistic are ya?


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epic tripinos


zellig wins instantly

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why are sharters so much into janny rulecucking?
if anything they should be the most opposed to it considering their history

repost from /soy/ because jannies deleted it although OP imagr is technically ias


might have been more of a rule 6 deletion
>Discussion of e-celebs will be kept to /incel/, discussion of local namefags and meta-drama will be kept to /q/.


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The council of 4 has been gathered, its time for doll’s forces to be scattered. Dark sootists they are, all they want is dolls regime to fall. They come in the night, they show no spite. A legend shall return, make the sharty burn. For in it’s current state, the shartys endgame can only be decided by fate.

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hes like a little babby

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we should like… use this board more…
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


lol you dont know what a tripcode is




Based? /soy/ is constricting, /qa/ is a 💎


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dox general
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



Why are western women humongous fucking whores Jesus Christ


>western wymen le bad!!!
>flat faced yellow gooks le good!!!


Gura unironically looks like Brittany Venti, which in another twist irony, the latter had beef with the former a couple years back.


notice how her ear looks like a fucking goblin? that means the photo is 'shopped and she probably looks like a goblin irl

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Doll bros… did we get too cocky?




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What do you mean?




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>anybody got any pics that they'd like to see tributed?


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>Flood detected; Post discarded.


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madokanon says this

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Why do chuds embarrass themselves online so much?


>tiktok repost
and i thought 4cuck twitter screencap threads were bad


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It's gemmy actually

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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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A woman




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does this meet soyjak qualifications
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Holy shit it really took you horsefuckers this long to make a variant that's IAS? Even more proof that ponyfags are mentally stunted


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>Holy shit it really took you horsefuckers this long to make a variant that's IAS? Even more proof that ponyfags are mentally stunted


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NAS brim

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I need some new shorts and t shirts. Where buy?


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A secondhand store, obviously.
Unless you're a fag.


No I don't wanna. Plus my parents give me as much money as I want.


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'P grabber.

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My wife Luna


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the LEAST beautiful stallion btw


Gemmy pic

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