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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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>incel bwc not real or dometjing

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'lita thread
Post your litas
18 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why so rude
just think about it. you, me and my bbc id rip that cunt in half baby


>>140144 Sorry, BWC only


just close your eyes then snowbunny




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Make lists of stuff you give a shit about
Website is topsters.org



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when I see people on street weeating mask and suckin on that b b c doe and know that bwc is myfh made up /pol/chusdies

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Who is this guy?



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issa gem

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Marge why is namefagging on


Cause thats just how it is

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Is there any advice to improve my drawings skill even further?
Like for example a quick method to draw cubes, cylinders, sphere at any angle without recurring to the horizon lines, or some pdfs or just tips in general according to your experience and why not

Help a 'teen out would, perhaps you too can learn a thing or two with this thread
66 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1691688912294.png (167.94 KB, 456x526, coal peel.png)ImgOps

quick tip for all the artfags, look up the brewer method and practice making 3d space for a bit ~Coal Peel out!


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thanks nigger


I would think somehow unlocking the right side of your brain would improve your ability to draw, if you don't already do something to get your right brain to process the task of drawing


Kill yourself 'zelligroach

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red is posting soylita while /soy/ is locked

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Name trannys get in here

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>board is locked


which one?

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Shit only I care about fanatic
Website is Topsters.org

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/soy/'s wife chino
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File: 1691161260792.jpg (88.96 KB, 928x928, Chino(13).jpg)ImgOps

I'm in love with Chino


I'm in love with you <3


More like sir, no.


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>board is locked

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