>>137529My advice: take drawabox course. It's free and its a really good starting point.
https://drawabox.com/Dont work alone. Join subreddits dedicated to learning how to draw. This will really help alot with critique and shit.
glenn vilppu's drawing manual, it teaches you everything from gesture to composition
>>137529I just found a pretty cool tutorial in youtube where they teach a pretty neat trick to draw cubes at any angle but unfortunely I'm kinda struggling to share it with you all seems that the form to reply doesn't allow me to "Embed"
>>137864Can you split the link up in spaces or replace words with * like https ://y*utube .com?
drawing is for faggots anyway and it only leads you to be a twitter artist who makes shitty nigger-tier scribbles or being a porn-addicted faggot
Made through Tor №137873
>>137867this sounds way too specific
>>137867I'm so sorry you were born a talentless loser
>>137867this is because the west has no appreciation for art particularly the faggot americans, all you people care about is drugs and sex so naturally artists are gonna draw those things because they are born in a sick culture addicted to these things and because its the only way to get the attention of you insufferable boomer faggots
>>137879a sfw account gets less than half the ammount of followers a nsfw account gets, and artists naturally want their art to get attention so do the math you nigger faggot
again christians complaining about the symptoms without addressing the cause, causes wich they are LARGELY at fault for, wether in one way or another
>>137882>inb4 not a christcuckstill a chud moralfag wich is essentially the same shit
>trannynot a tranny im just not a their side my side nigger kike who cant process nuance
>>137529>Is there any advice to improve my drawings skill even further? practice nonstop everyday
>artbooksskim trough the pseudo text and just look at the images showing the process then go back to practicing everyday, that is the most important thing
>>137879>>137882Brutal TRVTHNVKE
>>137867sour grapes or something
>>137882Care to explain how christians are to blame for what JEWS did to our culture/mentality?
>>137890and you see them say it themselves online all the time
>i dont care about the art just give me the storyand with AI its worse now
artists are even more underappreciated cause people can just write some text and output some generated slop and jerk off to it
it makes sense why their shithole cities are so disgusting to look at and why no one there seems to give a shit
>>137906who gave the jews the fucking keys you nigger, and you did so gladly cause "they look white"
>inb4 NOOO NOO ITS UM UUH UUUUH *scapegoat*
i can very easily look up hundreds of videos right now on jewtube showing faggot pastors simping for kikes and talking about how dey da chosen peepo
>>137907maybe now some schizophrenic artist with a grudge will become the next hitler christ avatar of god on earth, oh wait we cant become christs anymore because we're still waiting for that one dead guy on a stick to magically descend from heaven and swoop us up off our bodies and into space and for all our problems to magically solve themselves so long as we keep pouring energy to this egregore two more weeks
>>137909just suicide then, im sure muttland will start implementing suicide machines in hospitals soon and telling people who cant "be a useful human and contribute to our industrial society goylem" to just off themselves and let the right side of history do whatever they want and bring all the goylem their precious leftist utopia wich will happen any day now two more weeks
no more sons of god cause muh heresy
no more christs cause muh heresy
no hope
its over
>inb4 trump le christ!!!
trump zionist jew loving boomoid with jewish family members
kanye tried to become a christ and failed cause no one backed him up and all the christfags boycotted him because NIGGER RAPPER
that NIGGER RAPPER was the only faggot to publicly name the jew from such a high position as that of a celebrity
>he said he loves jews though
yes he was tearing apart their whole system with pure love but now all that is fucking ruined forever
>>137917>he was schizo thoughso was the original christ then, since it seems being schizo is the only way to break trough the veil and make a fucking difference
>>137931i told you faggot just draw everyday until your hand falls off and you need carpal tunnel surgery like the chinkoid manga artists do in their dystopian countries
if you're serious about being an artist you need to workout your arms everyday and have an anti inflammatory diet, you need to be in shape and get blood flowing trough your body daily and practice good posture all the time or you WILL cripple yourself within a year
>>137935also yoga on top of resistance training, you have to stretch EVERY DAY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFSYYTMzemYand as with anything that requires time practice and dedication you benefit tremendously from celibacy because you harness your vril and channel it into your craft wich makes it better
no im not memeing or being ironic
>>137936you also gain better focus with attention span and become sturdier and can spend more hours drawing, and your body heals better overnight with lots of semen built up so you dont fuck youe hand with rsi
>>137937>>137936>>137935>>137934and also the box bullshit is good for warmups i guess, if you're drawing digitally dont shy away from using stabilizers and all that crap since digital is too different from trad and necessitates these assists, if you dont want to fuck with tablets or drawing programs then just get a good printer for scanning artwork, then you clean it up in gimp or some other shit, honestly this may be the way to go for a lot of people cause tablets have a tiresome learning curve
>>137939and dont be a retard and burn your money on sketch paper, printing paper works fine for the most part and you can buy them in bulk for cheap, you also need fixatives for the graphite so just spray the drawings with skimmed milk and let them dry
>wtfits real and its been done for a long time by artists, either that or suffocate yourself with toxic fixatives in your room unless you're willing to let your embarrasing drawings hang outside in the wind where everyone can see them and talk shit and start pestering you about free commissions because
genocide israel
>>137940also the milk is cheap and you can dilute it and it barely smells at all after its dry
other fixatives are overpriced pieces of shit
>>137907They took these keys by themselfs though banking system. Christians couldnt do anything about it
>>137529My advice: dont listen too seriously to anything on bald mans with glasses website. Take courses, books, etc. Watch according videos. Work in group, you will need critique. You can join subreddit for this
>>137953>>137950>>137951nigga this will overwhelm absolute beginners
>>137954I'm just sharing stuff nigga
>>137955nigga please. Think of future artists
>>137944correction, there was a myriad, an entire WORLD of things they could have done to prevent it, but they didnt because it would have required massive sacrifice, basically jews were able to swindle christians out of everything they had because they didnt want to give up their comfort, even now theres plenty of options wich remain unpopular purely because it requires massive sacrifices of many of the luxuries modern industrial society grants us
the last thing this website needs is more drawtrannies
>>137956Retarded NGMI response
>>137972>even now theres plenty of options wich remain unpopular purely because it requires massive sacrifices of many of the luxuries modern industrial society grants usConsidering that todays world is completely non-religious, by that we can say that christianity has nothing to do with jews being in control. This was your words.
Christians did fight against them btw. They fough against usury and degeneracy, which jew often uses to its causes.
In my opinion you are just trying to cope really bad. You were saying that artists have to draw degeneracy just to earn money, because regular art isnt needed anymore. But it's simply aren't true. You can still make regular art and make money and at the end of the day you can just work anywhere else, noone is getting pushed. The real reason why people go into NSFW is because standarts for it is really low. It doesnt require creativity, which is really really hard to get. All you need for a NSFW is to do just draw some girl in a suggestive pose. It's all.
>>137989they say degeneracy bad but say nothing about the merchants peddling it, and yea nsfw has a low barrier of entry but its sure as fuck not for that reason alone that so many artists flock to it, we've all seen at one point or another artists talking about how they're going to cater to furries because of how much they pay and how well they treat their artists, all the while the opposite is true in other industries where they get overworked and underpaid, because again their respective civilizations dont value art, and if you're thinking about art in terms of animation or whatever the fuck not every artist wants to be an animator, the best and most practical field for artists is the comic book medium, but that medium has been run into the ground by jews, and the west doesnt take animation seriously and barely anyone respects it whereas the opposite is true in places like japan where they have a thriving animation industry, your industries are fucked and many artists are steered into catering to furfags because of the state of affairs
>hurr no one is forcing youyea nigger no one is putting a gun to your head but when you're raised in a shitty culture and are constantly surrounded by sins and temptations it becomes incredibly difficult to resist giving in, not to mention that even if you didnt want to, if you wanna make it in the art world you dont really have much of a choice in a lot of scenarios other than to draw porn crap cause thats the thing most people pay attention to
>>137993and more and more animation is being done with 3dcgi wich is an entirely different field of art altogether and some people just want to fucking draw
>>137993In my opinion this is the most important part here
>…but when you're raised in a shitty culture and are constantly surrounded by sins and temptations it becomes incredibly difficult to resist giving inDont despair chud
>>137867holy 4cuck troon projecting his life GEEEG
>>138095Op here, sure why not
>>138100The two most important things about drawing mares: Proportions, and Forms.
Proportions usually can vary from artist to artist but good proportions can be seen when all the body parts "balance" each other. Forms are hard to draw right in different perspectives when applied to a mare, though they can be perfected through practice.
bumo in this very important thread
Help me draw arms. One arm is bigger than others when in 3/4, but not as it should be
>>137529I would think somehow unlocking the right side of your brain would improve your ability to draw, if you don't already do something to get your right brain to process the task of drawing
>>138096Kill yourself 'zelligroach