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I get this reference

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why do people post faggot shit here


zellig trannys posting AI porn eventually the furfags came and made a porn thread
now were here
also mori fags


because it's the nas board were we post furries, ponies, and anime incel


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>why do people post faggot shit here

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why do you faggots necrobump useless threads where nobody posts anything
is it to win le heckin kulchur war or something
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


i dont mind zellig i just wish they would keep it contained to a few threads, seriously how do they not get sick of seeing the same stupid fucking cartoon over and over again and yes i feel the same way about soyjaks but granted this is a soyjak website and they're more varied anyways


>Is contained to a few threads
>Still complaining






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didnt know you could still namefag here i doubt you are him though

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>I'm esoteric schizopilled I get my knowledge from cryptic symbols in my dreams and I hate antichrist industrial society, demons are real btw
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I've seen so many faggots on apps like TikTok say this shit


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>industrial society is super bad doe posted from my troonphone™ oh i'm missing my goon sesh


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>i am oreo reviewer and lemon


Why so sour though?


>problem , antichrist? step 1 cover yourself in bbс cum

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I have an autistic obsession with this board, i have browsed trough every irrelevant stage of this board from the moment it was a frog self insert board to it's modern day /bant/-like state






Fid you participate much with the zellig shit when it happened?

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i just realized its 2 am and my birthday
my wish for this year is to see atleast 1000 nas threads on /soy/ today
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bumo before i go to bed


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this birthday fucking sucks


Happy birthday, frogchad


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This might be the worst birthday I ever experienced


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>tiling window managers

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Smoking is bad for you


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I said it

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>It's DA KUUUUUURRRWWAAA Chickns or however I failed to unclog the toilet

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I saw somebody draw a Seal in a thread and I drew the full body


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>I saw somebody draw a Seal in a thread and I drew the full body


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>>I saw somebody draw a Seal in a thread and I drew the full body

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draw a face on her, /soy/
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Seals won


disgusting gem

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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer.

This is a board for the discussion of meta topics and … other things.
Outside of meta, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.
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New stick


/qa/ lost





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I can't stop thinking about Dollpony
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>I can't stop thinking about Dollpony


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I can't stop thinking about dollpony getting dominated by zebras, getting painted with stripes, and taking BZC until she's pregnant with a half-zebra foal




dolly doll… thanks for the ART Artfag its so good



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Toxic or protective father?


protective because he's saving his grandson from being a muttlano


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This but white


no arrow


Wholesome nigger

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