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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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why do you faggots necrobump useless threads where nobody posts anything
is it to win le heckin kulchur war or something


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It all eventually gets cattywiped, what's the point?
This board is still unusable


It's too mark territory or something




Trannies love spamming


its a shill tactic trannies use to essentially take over a board, they drown out other posts with their tranny garbage
you see it with troonhou,zelligtroons and other fag posters trying to force their garbage

Made through Tor


i dont mind zellig i just wish they would keep it contained to a few threads, seriously how do they not get sick of seeing the same stupid fucking cartoon over and over again and yes i feel the same way about soyjaks but granted this is a soyjak website and they're more varied anyways


>Is contained to a few threads
>Still complaining






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didnt know you could still namefag here i doubt you are him though

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