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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Now that I think about it

Mymy is Rainbow Dash
Maya is Fluttershy
Coco is Pinkie Pie

It all makes sense.




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Coco is Applejack since both are hard working and athletic plus trvd


Now that I think about it
<reddit space
Mymy is TYP only
Maya is BWC only
Coco is BBC only
<reddit space
It all make sense


You made me think about it and I think you're correct except for coco


I think coco's more of a twilight thobeit, if you don't take into account she's tech retarded


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Coco is dumb as a brick and not snarky enough to be Twilight


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>Mymy is Rainbow Dash
Mymy is not a dyke


I ain't a killer, but don't push me.


Maya = luna
Coco = celestia
Mymy = Twilight sparkle (episode 1 proves twilight is a neet chud)


Ong sissa yasssss


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/mlp/ niggergrants ruining Zellig like how zellig ruined /qa/


All three of these kings are kvno and should be dimensional merged


>zellig ruined /qa/


>Gigachad emasculated poor guy
I see numen are fetish for men. This site is run by homos




chronic autism: the thread


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