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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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I can swear I remember this website being called soyjak.party, not soyjaks.party

ITT we discuss the mandela effect


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>it never existed, are you schizophrenic?


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Its a new domain retard. But I have one
I thought Wewjak had hair


it’s called soychan.org




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>ITT we discuss the mandela effect


Meds retard


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>I'm literally shaking.


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anyone else remember this?


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I think I remember the original Feraljak never having a mustache, but every time I check it clearly does


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potential explanation for the soyjak/soyjaks timeline split


I'm from the soychan.org universe


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>I clearly remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison during the 80s, and I would remember this as I'm a really intelligent person who takes an interest in world politics
>Who was leader of South Africa after apartheid fell then if Nelson Mandela was dead? idk, some black guy, why would I know that?




It’s always been soyjaks.party you schizo nigger


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nice feature, a lot of people who use computers are tech-illiterate


Rare reddit gem


Someone post this to /pol/ on the cuck.


What happened in South Africa and Apartheid in the timeline where Mandela died in prison


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meds it was always soyjaks.party



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