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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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what lays for the future of /bant/?
>sharty presence gone
>frogs almost gone
>any resistance to the tranime hordes is gone
it's such a boring dull board that it drives me insane,porn everywhere,full of anime trashposts that have been repeated over and over like mk-ultra and just general garbage that it's close to basically becoming /trash/ now


>still using 4chan
complete retard


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Negated, also you're a retard


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>what lays for the future of /bant/?
Nothing but tranime, racebait, tranime and more tranime
Seriously though that board failed it's main purpose (being off-topic pol) and now it justs sits there because tranny jannies just see it as le garbage can for shit threads from other boards


what happens when you let too much porn on the board
plus tranime niggers bump cult


It's a red board what do you expect


idk. Not the 20th porn board that's all


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I used to cattywipe that board daily last year, I simply stopped because no matter how much you spam it always ends up in asinine tranime blogposts and discord blogposts, that board is a lost cause.


28chan and The Sharty are the only sites I use


Pepe was created by a libtard doe


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Just spam Omčo and Charles Stiles Mystery Diners.
Pepe has been raped by cryptojews and Soyjaks aren't special anymore and look gay with each variant ruining it.
Omčo and Charles Stiles Mystery Diners are resistable to fags.


Bumping for visibility
we should shill on bant more to get frogchads here

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