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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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The biggest faggot since the /sp/ mod. Shit they might be the same person.


I'm pretty sure there's more than one mod on /vg/, but they're all megafaggots anyway.


What the hell is /vg/


vore gore

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Fuck you Opera Twitter Account

Name: Philipp Schmetz

Address: Brandweg 4 , 59457 Werl , Hilbeck

Phone Number:
02922 867390

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Aryan BVLL






Fuck corporate shitter accounts in general.

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smegmasnail noemi isolina rodreguiez cara at templ univerity in pa


i hope the entire site buys paln tickets and personaly haras her at temple i hate her

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There is an unusual topic rising up on /v/ lately- Zelda and link threads
One autist is clearly mad about so he counters it with ganon and link threads
Jannies are clearly favoring Zelda and link over ganon
This whole thing is amusing, let’s lend him a hand?


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Like if you just search up zeldorf or ganon on the archives, he’s just flooding their threads and the catalog with ganon and Zelda images, mainly ntr
It’s kind of amusing


Make zelink threads
Flood it

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Imagine if someone played a gemmy from the globe....


coinslot on the 'lobe


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play for our mass brainwashing prog

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Post dirt you found on the kiwifarms
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>they're all pigskins


KiwiGODS live rent free in your head


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>10 out of the 32 (31%) people in the picture are wearing glasses
<national average = 64%
>17 out of 32 (53%) are visibly overweight
Shockingly enough, the average
<national average = 70%
Kiwifarms user is slightly ==less== dysgenic than the average American


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killing animals... LE BAD!!!
'P, LE BAD!!!


Null is fine with users stealing credit cards and social security numbers

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If you don't know who this is, this is a TikTok "prankster" named Bacari-Bronze O'Garro who calls himself "Mizzy".

He weaponizes a biased criminal justice system and white guilt in order to wreck havoc on normal English citizens, and a sensation hungry media rewards him with cash payments & clout when he gets pulled up for interviews.

>He grabbed an old woman's dog and ran away with it

>He went up to random women at night and asked them if they wanted to die
>He breaks into peoples flats
>He storms shops and wrecks everything with his gang of chavy attention whores

He is a symbol of everything contaminated about the west. In a better social order he would have been killed after he left the womb.
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Do this


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>This site relies on JavaScript to do awesome things, please enable it in your browser


BBC kang dindu nuffin at all dem niga


We Aren't your personal army.


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>In a better social order he would have been killed after he left the womb

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soot do this


/b/ is literally all 'p and racebait threads, a more gemmy idea would be to infiltrate /r9k/ and slowly encourage the troons to rope


we can't
we tried before

theres some fed tranny jannies who delete every thread they don't like, including ones that are vaguely political or racist, or contains soyjaks

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https://discord.com/invite/4AWveKYXpt fuck these fags up they are all fags

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Hello my personal army, please abuse this arab gay muslim who keeps raiding servers with degenerate stuff and 'p


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