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If you don't know who this is, this is a TikTok "prankster" named Bacari-Bronze O'Garro who calls himself "Mizzy".

He weaponizes a biased criminal justice system and white guilt in order to wreck havoc on normal English citizens, and a sensation hungry media rewards him with cash payments & clout when he gets pulled up for interviews.

>He grabbed an old woman's dog and ran away with it

>He went up to random women at night and asked them if they wanted to die
>He breaks into peoples flats
>He storms shops and wrecks everything with his gang of chavy attention whores

He is a symbol of everything contaminated about the west. In a better social order he would have been killed after he left the womb.
I'm inexperienced in the art of doxxing, but for smarter teens than myself I'm sure you'll know what to do.

His website: https://thiswebsiteisanillusion.teemill.com/
His email: [email protected]
His twitter: @mizzythemenace
His Snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/7x6KDabB
His Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mizzyislive
His Discord: https://discord.gg/mizzlings


He's based though. We need to wake people up to clown world


Do this


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BBC kang dindu nuffin at all dem niga


We Aren't your personal army.


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>In a better social order he would have been killed after he left the womb

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