Lets dox this autistic twitterfag, her full name is Oriana Hernandez and she was born on Janurary 2nd 2003. She and her boyfriend is ItsMeMango64 AKA Max Stephans
https://twitter.com/ItsMeMango64 Write a webcomic called "Untitled?"
https://www.youtube.com/@kungfucarafuOld Youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/@carafaplays/videoslbp profile: carafa0123
"Untitled?" neocities webcomic:
https://untitled-oro.neocities.org/Post too long. Click here to view the full text. 7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view. №41062
sorry to hear that you guys broke up but i'm sure there are lots of other autistic she/they twitter drawfags out there for you
>>41061have sex with her little brother
>>41073fake. literally only harassing her cuz of past lbp drama. why draw porn of her oc
>>40314umm chuds is she at least cute