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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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raid reddit.com


/r/ nosleep666/

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Tired of these fags. Lets dox as many as we can. Find their home, harass their family, send gore pics, you know the deal.
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They have almost no presence in the US, any sort of protest would get violent extremely quickly


Website Here: https://juststopoil.org/
They seem fairly unorganized, contacting and using some social engineering would probably work well.


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press "JOIN A ZOOM CALL TO FIND OUT MORE" Make a fake registration. They have their next meeting at Jun 13, 2023 2:00 PM eastern time. Might be better to gather info before sending gore and scat


Raid by posting eagles


so are we doing this tomorrow or what?

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Are we raiding the 'fe or is it just me?




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god imagine pillaging the 'fe and riding back to the sharty with a cute femcel concubine on the back of your horse


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I posted a 'jak I made but they deleted it I wasn't even raiding I just genuinely wanted to contribute


I kinda want to post pictures of my cock on the 'afe


I kinda want to post pictures of my cock on the 'afe

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Large Sanic artist being bombarded by troons again after being harassed into deactivating for unfollowing them last month. Let's see your war face teens


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Monster hunter website albeit


If i had a big account i'll just say im transphobic and racist, instead of dodging those accusations



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you guys are stupid. grief the main page itself with no /____ infront of it. there are signatures from 2016 and older that you can overwrite and destroy, they will care a lot more about that.




raiding right now

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go in this faggot's chat and spam anti tranny shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBp9bOD66XA

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As Part for Pridefall 2023 I'll be Posting some stuff about Josh Helfgott aka the gay news gay.

Hes a faggot who posts "gay news" on tiktok and more, he probably Touch kids, so here's some stuff.

Name: Joshua M Helfgott

Birthday: 20th June 1989

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Yep he's a jew,


why are some gays like this i know a few that act like normal people, still why do alot of them talk like that?


They have no father figure in their life


If you wanna call him i recommend that you use a pre-paid phone that you can buy from a store, but only using cash and/or an anonymous prepaid debit card.


Yeah cuz that's safer, what do we tell xim?

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Disney shills, weeaboos and redditors. What more could you ask for?

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posted something just for you ❤️

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