Hitsuji Goods (Hitsuji, Hitsuji & Friends) (formerly known as Abby Lupine) is the shitty trannycore artist that appears everywhere online, currently BEST KNOWN FOR "NEET Girl Date Night")
https://hitsujigoods.itch.io/ngdneverything i HAVE found so far:
real name: Michael McKellar
location: somewhere in portland, oregon (tranny capital)
known previous aliases: "abbylupine", "lupinedevblog", "laikaismycopilot", "nekoismycopilot", "michaelmckellar", "mkellar" (most of these were found from raiding through his 'chived tumblr blog (
http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://abbylupine.tumblr.com* ))
soycial media and other online shit:
https://twitter.com/hitsujigoodsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.