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Hitsuji Goods (Hitsuji, Hitsuji & Friends) (formerly known as Abby Lupine) is the shitty trannycore artist that appears everywhere online, currently BEST KNOWN FOR "NEET Girl Date Night") https://hitsujigoods.itch.io/ngdn

everything i HAVE found so far:
real name: Michael McKellar
location: somewhere in portland, oregon (tranny capital)
known previous aliases: "abbylupine", "lupinedevblog", "laikaismycopilot", "nekoismycopilot", "michaelmckellar", "mkellar" (most of these were found from raiding through his 'chived tumblr blog ( http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://abbylupine.tumblr.com* ))

soycial media and other online shit:
'ebsite: https://hitsujigoods.com
'itter: https://twitter.com/hitsujigoods
'gram: https://instagram.com/hitsujigoods
'book: https://facebook.com/hitsujiandfriends
r*ddit (old): https://old.reddit.com/user/laikaismycopilot ('chived: https://archive.ph/nXmbC )
'atreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=374475 ('mono: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/374475 )
'tch: https://hitsujigoods.itch.io
'iety 'ix: https://society6.com/abbylupine ('chived: https://archive.ph/XZxeO )
'grounds: https://hitsujigoods.newgrounds.com
'road: https://hitsujigoods.gumroad.com
(behance handle is now someone else and his shit that was on there has NOT been 'chived)
( https://nekoismycopilot.tumblr.com (photography blog) has NOT been 'chived)

other shit that IS 'chived or COULD possibly be him:

http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twitter.com/mkellar2* (belonged to a Mark Kellar in Portland who was a photographer and art director)

You WILL find more personal information


why? who gives a shit about some tranny that posts drawings on the internet?


chuddies including me will pay everything they have for just one night with this lady


xhe's SOOO built for BWC.


Age? I could oxx


Kill yourself fucking tranny



datamining link


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coal thread newteen





Abby is short for Abigail you stupid nigger.
Plus this Abigail is related to a Michael born the same year and month, AND this Abigail's middle name is Lupa (Lupine). It HAS to be him.


Ah ok


But now we have ro find an Michael Edwin or L McKellar with the same age then


Hitsuji Goods (Hitsuji, Hitsuji & Friends) (formerly known as Abby Lupine) is the shitty trannycore artist that appears everywhere online, currently BEST KNOWN FOR "NEET Girl Date Night") https://hitsujigoods.itch.io/ngdn

Michael Edwin McKellar

Abigail Lupa (Lupina) McKellar

known previous aliases: "abbylupine", "lupinedevblog", "laikaismycopilot", "nekoismycopilot", "michaelmckellar", "mkellar"

February 1993

1030 SW Jefferson St, Unit 340, Portland OR 97201.

Michael has lived there for about 1 years, since April of 2022.


'ebsite: https://hitsujigoods.com
'itter: https://twitter.com/hitsujigoods
'gram: https://instagram.com/hitsujigoods
'book: https://facebook.com/hitsujiandfriends
r*ddit (old): https://old.reddit.com/user/laikaismycopilot ('chived: https://archive.ph/nXmbC )
'atreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=374475 ('mono: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/374475 )
'tch: https://hitsujigoods.itch.io
'iety 'ix: https://society6.com/abbylupine ('chived: https://archive.ph/XZxeO )
'grounds: https://hitsujigoods.newgrounds.com
'road: https://hitsujigoods.gumroad.com
(behance handle is now someone else and his shit that was on there has NOT been 'chived)
( https://nekoismycopilot.tumblr.com (photography blog) has NOT been 'chived)

other shit that IS 'chived or COULD possibly be him:




xhe's still made for superior BWC doe


this dumb faggot is trying to get retards online to find nudes to jack off to under the guise of doxxing/raiding. same thing 4cuck would say NYPA to


built for BWC


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Gem thread. That neet dating sim is egregious nigger brimstone.
Reminds me of the equally coal "vallhalla" game.

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