8cucks are melting down because they found out there is a /soy/ board on their site.
After only a few 'jaks and posts exposing their board owner, Acidman(pedophile) they shut down the entire board and you cannot post on it unless you already have an active captcha
Good target for later, especially now that they have their own dedicated /soy/ board
https://8chan.moe/soy/catalog.html(Currently raided by /v/ users, pedophiles, who are posting shotacon. Site is on lockdown, so nobody else can respond to it)
/v/ board, only active english speaking community and where the niGGers spend their time(site is overrun with redditor spics, for some reason)
https://8chan.moe/v/catalog.htmlThe only active thread is usually the gamergate one. Yes, they still unironically support GG in 2023, which is why they're often called "NiGGers"
Since Acid locked down his site and deleted posts that expose him, I will post his dox in the next post. He also thinks the sharty is gone for some reason, I can't explain that one.