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/raid/ - Raid

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Just drop by and post a few gems.
They recieved some love from the sharty recently.
Lets give them some more!


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I need you to troll these gay faggots. They have completely ruined Game shows with their faggotry. All they do is shill british game shows and want sjw faggotry in everything.
Name: Cory Andre Anotado
Relationship Status: Unknown
Date of Birth: 06/30/1987
Primary Residence:
311 W Duncannon Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Former Residence: 822 S Luzerne Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224
Home Facts of Baltimore Home:
Most recent Remodel: 2022
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Name: Alexander L Davis
Relationship Status: Unknown
Date of Birth: February 1982
Primary Residence: 795 Roxbury Rd
Keene, NH 03431
Home Facts:
Year Built: 1910
Home Value: $925,000
Purchased on: 01/31/2023
Phone Numbers: (603) 357-8314 (603) 209-2281 (603) 307-8314
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Name: Orion Grant Passmore
Address: 402 E Camino Lomas, Tucson, AZ 85704 (confirmed; lives with grandmother)
DOB: May 13, 2002
Phone: +1 (520) 260-4473, +1 (520) 585-3886 (unknown which)
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Passwords: moomoo567, mommy2013, piMxv420
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077019760623
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@chonas420 [https://archive.ph/Mv4ey]
Twitter (EXTREMELY NSFW): https://twitter.com/SillyGayClown [https://archive.ph/xN5Kj]

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Dude based



Made through Tor


Kill troons


Did you ever get a response to this

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What are some fun ways to disrupt leftist events and pride parades?
Eg:- driving by and shooting bear spray

may post a livestream link here when i do something within the next 6 months
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Perhaps you do something before the event happens, such as put up flyers denouncing libtard policies


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>we're not here to be your personal army


bait or criminal record


Imagine trying to be an edgy right wing agitator and having to sit in the dock while your lawyer tries to explain to the judge what soyjak.party is



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apparently the brown tranny that is promoting soyjaks to other brown trannies is not even upset




she needs to bear my aryan children so so bad


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That's funny, because i just got into her redbubble and ko-fi accounts and the address in the account info is the same as the one in the doxbin.

I'm sure it's possible she recently moved since she's currently attenting KCAD (Kendal College of Art and Design) for Design, but otherwise everything i've put in that 'bin is correct.

In fact, here's her password: bobisgreat

Leakpeeks reveals that she may use some variation of this pw on other websites, like Bobisgreat1 or some shit like that, but i haven't figured it out exactly yet. And also, I already changed the passwords to her ko-fi and redbubble accounts. I can gem them up if you guys want.


Since doxbin is giving me 502 errors right now I'll just put the most up-to-date version of the dox in here:

name: Serenity Sarah Diericks
Age: 19 (birth date June 21, 2004)
email address: [email protected]
password: bobisgreat
Mother's name: Biennville Deniece Wade (formerly Biennville D. Carthens, married Kyle Wade in 2009)
Mother's birth date: 1983 (Age 39-40)
Mother's Instagram: @biennangel
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Moved to >>>/incel/53299.

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Raid this shitty image board…
Mods are sleeping


It's filled with lolicon pedoids
kill them


Their /b/ board has a bunch of oldfags who cry at the sight of 'jaks and being told they(oldfags) are irrelevant/useless/old men
If you see a captcha, it's a chess board: match the black pieces on the grid, nothing more to it.
Oh, and the /b/ board specifically filters soyjak.party and soybooru since they're still asshurt about the last time they got raided, lol!


what board?


Only active ones are /b/ and /v/, but both are dead
/b/ is slightly more active and they get triggered when you tell them that soy teens are the new 4chan, big time


zzzcucks are celebrating their birthday and the entire thread is derailed into them crying about 8chan.moe(another dead pedo imageboard)
If you can't get past the captcha, remember that you have to highlight black pieces of the chessboard on a grid, if the captcha keeps scrolling until you get "try again later" message make sure to switch your PC clock to whatever region your proxy/VPN is set to

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8cucks are melting down because they found out there is a /soy/ board on their site.
After only a few 'jaks and posts exposing their board owner, Acidman(pedophile) they shut down the entire board and you cannot post on it unless you already have an active captcha

Good target for later, especially now that they have their own dedicated /soy/ board
(Currently raided by /v/ users, pedophiles, who are posting shotacon. Site is on lockdown, so nobody else can respond to it)
/v/ board, only active english speaking community and where the niGGers spend their time(site is overrun with redditor spics, for some reason)
The only active thread is usually the gamergate one. Yes, they still unironically support GG in 2023, which is why they're often called "NiGGers"

Since Acid locked down his site and deleted posts that expose him, I will post his dox in the next post. He also thinks the sharty is gone for some reason, I can't explain that one.
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yes sir!


>after original 8chan shut down in 2018
aug 2019


A word of advice when raiding: Mark Mann(pedophile) has been found to leak user data when people tell him to kill themselves. Here is a link with more details, he done again just now
Don't forget to always use proper internet hygiene and use 7 proxies whenever you post on that godforsaken site.
Also, do not, under any circumstance, tell Mark Mann(pedophile) that you want him dead or that you will kill him, and ESPECIALLY do not post pictures of his asshole, he will not appreciate that and probably leak your IP or something


>8troons keep calling the sharty "pedos"
>As they spend hours debating the ethics of jerking off to children in their "gamergate" thread
>Still think kuz runs the site
what the hell is wrong with them, lmao
and they still care about gamergate, it's almost like that retarded failure of a movement lost because it was filled with retards(and pedos) like the tards seen itt


jannies delete this shit I'm so tired of this 8moe faggot coming here

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tnd moment
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how? all the search results are from some memri shit





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expired already doe



why do fat women always make drama circles to hate on other fat women?

since the site has minimal moderation, asking should be easy. reaction is almost 100% guaranteed, insecure foids are easy to bully. i was thrice banned for pointing out a posters labia looking like lance armstrongs empty ballsack. she was not pleased.

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just because they hate trannies and 'farm does NOT make them our friends
they're just retarded foids seething about men all day



LOOOOOOL fail raid from a fail board

what even is this shit site you moids are pathetic

can't do shit right

eat my pussy bitch

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Wow, incel raid. Color me shocked. You guys did zero (0) damage.


post about the dot farm on /soy/

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