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8cucks are melting down because they found out there is a /soy/ board on their site.
After only a few 'jaks and posts exposing their board owner, Acidman(pedophile) they shut down the entire board and you cannot post on it unless you already have an active captcha

Good target for later, especially now that they have their own dedicated /soy/ board
(Currently raided by /v/ users, pedophiles, who are posting shotacon. Site is on lockdown, so nobody else can respond to it)
/v/ board, only active english speaking community and where the niGGers spend their time(site is overrun with redditor spics, for some reason)
The only active thread is usually the gamergate one. Yes, they still unironically support GG in 2023, which is why they're often called "NiGGers"

Since Acid locked down his site and deleted posts that expose him, I will post his dox in the next post. He also thinks the sharty is gone for some reason, I can't explain that one.


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Full Name: Cole R. Lamberson Age: 52 Date of Birth: 9/?/1971 Height: 6'6" Weight: 270lbs. Current Home Address: 701 Tuttle Street Manhattan, Kansas 66502-4456 Current Vehicle: Phone Service: (785) 539-0854 - Landline, AT&T (formerly Southwestern Bell) (unlisted) (913) 742-4175 - Landline, Windstream Communications (formerly McLeodUSA) (unlisted) Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Cole used to be a big figure in the Gamergate community back when it was still active, and is one of the last hangerons. Cole founded the site after original 8chan shut down in 2018. The site was named 8chan again due to his pal, Mark Mann(another pedophile, more on him later) having a feud with the 8kun/former 8chan owner Jim, over him not allowing Mark to post pictures of underage little girls on his video game board. He told Cole to to name it 8chan again to spite him, because he thinks that he holds the right to that name more.
Acidman is a rather retarded and easily upset individual, you can easily find out more about him in this thread

His biggest mishap, however, came in 2021. He was approached to host a board named /hebe/, which was just unironic 'p. As you would think, vast majority of the users wanted them out of the site immediately. Cole, in his infinite wisdom, decided that "Pedophiles need freedom of speech too" and kept the board up. That led to a massive exodus where a majority of userbase(I am talking over 85% of the site's traffic) fled overnight, likely due to them being tired of retarded admin decisions like this or even due to fears of 8cucks being a honeypot. Cole defended this decision for months, until he no longer could(likely due to imminent fed raid or such), then he tried to memoryhole the whole incident. All the images can be found in the above /cow/ thread, this site has trouble with images if too many are posted so I will just post the video of Cole here

If you go to 8cucks and point this out today, you will get banned. Officially, they "defeated" pedophilia there, to the point where they celebrate 4th of July as "VB Day", as in the day they won over pedophiles. If you point out it was Acid who supported pedophilia in the first place, you will get banned for "gr4 lcp" like it is visible in the OP post. If you say that lolicon is drawn 'p, you will get banned for "gr4 lcp". You get the point, his ass is very sore about the incident still and will "no u" all day long about the very open pedo issue on his site. It should be noted that /delicious/ is still up and one of the most active boards there, it is western lolicon based. Open lolicon and even discussions about children(both real and imaginary) are carried out on the /v/ board, usually in the Gamergate thread. They have plenty of boogeymen I am not going to go over, but the other popular one is "Niggerpill", which is literally any poster that talks negatively in any way("Japan is pozzed" posts will get you banned for this for example)
LCP stands for "Lowercase Pedo". Yes, if you don't use proper grammar there, you're a pedophile according to Cole. This is how insecure he is about his open love of posting sexualized images of children, you can ask him yourself. He avatarfags as Asuka from Evangelion cuckime, and he (infamously) posted an image of her getting raped by a nigger "by accident". This is not the first, nor the last time he would casual cuckoldry nigger porn for no reason.

You can delete information on your own site all you want Cole, let's see you try to get this pulled off of sharty. Oh wait, sharty doesn't exist and we have all moved to another site apparently, according to you, so that shouldn't be a problem


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Mark Mann(Pedophile) is yet another infamous figure in both old and new 8chan.
He is a mentally retarded jew that lives in a New York City home for the mentally disabled. Yes, he is actually retarded, that is not an empty insult, and by the time you're reading this post, you will know why:

Where to start with him? He has been the board owner of the /v/ board for years now, however he was almost universally hated for the entire duration of it. Mark Mann has a very thin skin, and that means if he doesn't like your post, he will delete all your posts for no reason(if he ever gives one, it will be "Spam", even if it's perfectly on topic). Cole does this too, you can see why these two pedos were made for each other. Since nobody sane can tolerate Mark for long, he can only hire the most powerhungry, disgusting jannies known to man. If you want an example, here is a recent leak from his current userbase, along with leaked 'cord logs.

Basically, image the worst jannies you have ever seen, they are worse and Mark is the head hotpocket. In fact, he claims he IS /v/, to the point where he made a claim that an 8chan /v/ board cannot exist without him. Such a big ego for such a fat kike, only fitting that his asshole would be so big as well. How do I know this? Well, in his own infinite wisdom, he posted his own asshole pics, not one or two but a whole bunch of them, including a short video. All of them were taken from the dorm room in his retard facility he lives in, so we know it's him. It figures that he wouldn't be ashamed of posting his ass, however, he once got send an entire cake and ate it all in one thread, hence why his community is often called "cakechan" and he is called the "cakekike".

It gets more nefarious, however. He tried pulling a fast one on the users of the site more than once, which shouldn't be surprising considering his jewish bloodline. One notorious example was the kike trying to sell the idea of monetizing "8chan memes" like gondola and selling plushies, he locked down and deleted the thread once he realized he was going to get eaten alive for it. He did something like this even more recently, when said that the site had "money issues" and wanted to start a stream where users would paypig him money...only that he would not stream, because he sucks at video games(he leaked a sonic game in the past, got 12 game overs, got mocked for it and had his entire xbox live account banned because of it. It had over 6000$ worth of content on it), so he wanted someone else to stream...then the actual admins came and said the site was not having money issues, so the kike broke down and said that taxes are very high in Jew York City and he needed the money.

This might seem funny, but at least he isn't trying to sell his users down the river here. He did in the past, where he was asked to appear in a Qtard doccumentary. He was given 100$ and a chance to get taken to eat out at a restaurant(he probably chose mcdonalds because his a retarded, fat jew). When he announced this, he was naturally eaten alive by his users for it, as he tried to damage control. The documentary itself shows him being a fat, retarded jew that plays a Nintendo Switch in a public park, shows him being fat and giving a blank retard stare as he laughs, and then claims he is the "Godfather of Gamergate", little else is shown of him afterwards.

So much more could be said about Mark Mann, he is a lolcow of titanic proportions, similarly to Acid he has his own thread on /cow/ which documents him in more detail

One thing that connects him back to Cole and the remaining users of 8chan.moe is his love of children however. He is an open lolicon, and it is likely all the pedo rules about the site, such as a splashpage that uses the term "legal child pussy" when referring to lolicon, is due to him. He already pressured Cole(who is a cuckold and a pedophile himself) to name the site 8chan again, you can imagine how easy it would be for him to also make several rules about WHEN it is acceptable to post pictures of naked children on the site. As you may remember, he had a falling out with the original 8chan owner, Jim, because he couldn't post lolicon on 8kun anymore, so he made a new 8chan, with 'p and blackjack, the issue of lolicon is the central reason why he is on the new site to begin with. This actually very much fits in with the /hebe/ board mentioned earlier: They would not be the first pedophiles opened with welcome arms, that would be Mark and his community. They post pornography in their video game threads on regular bases, lolicon and shotacon obviously being their favorite ones, and will lose their shit if you try to attack their porn or their right to post it or even the ethics of posting it in the first place. Mark and his userbase, simply put, don't care about videogames anymore, if they ever did, they are using the site as a cover to post whatever degenerate shit they feel like, and all the fetish boards like /blacked/(yes, unironically) are just them posting with the mask off.
There was a screencap of Mark admitting to jerking off to small furry animals in diapers on 'cord, but I can't find it. Oh well, I can only imagine what else he jacks off to.
Let this be a primer for Mark Mann and his community of niGGers, this post could easily be much longer and not cover half of what this retard has done. Just remember that he "IS /v/" and so all his fetishes and retarded behavior reflect on his own community, I agree with this assessment since anyone who doesn't like him moved on even before the /hebe/ disaster. Anyone who still posts on moe /v/ should be expected to be a cult member level delusional Mark asshole sucker, without exception, and will be equally as delusional about the state of their site. It is hard to just chose 4 images to sum up this catastrophic failure of a human being, so please visit the /cow/ link above(and the niGGer link in the Cole post, there is a lot of crossovers) for more


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Lastly, here are a few misc images about the users themselves. As I said above, they are a very scattered and random bunch. It used to be much more active than today, however after the /hebe/ incident and so many more retarded moderation decisions before and after, most users left. The only ones still left on 8chan.moe today are:
>Mark's asshole lickers
>Open pedophiles posting lolicon and shotacon
>Other coomer degenerates that pretend to talk about video games and other topics
>Very degenerate fetish posters who have their dedicated boards, including but not limited to: Blacked, Diapers, Lolicon, Tickle Fetish and more

Nobody else uses the site. The original 8chan community splintered into a million pieces into what is now known as the "Webring", and have their own little gay, dead boards. 8chan.moe was way too gay and was kicked off the webring after the /hebe/ incident, something that Cole(Acid) still seethes about to this day. Mark in particular hates a splinter site called zzzchan, whose /v/ board hates him even more than I do and often mock him in their gaming night threads. This led to Mark not only having a resentment towards that site, but also all but banning any crossover gamenights with that board, so any 8Moe gamenights are just a few pedo niGGers circlejerking each other off at best while the zzzchan ones are much more active.

Other than that, there is little more to say here that you can't look up on your own, or even by simply observing the animals in their own natural habitat. I am posting this here because currently, 8chan.moe is on lockdown after a few soyjak posts were made, shortly after their discovery of the /soy/ board. Acid is now blaming some random pedophiles that used to work for him as mods in the past(yes, there were more) and other boogeymen, so I should state that I never had any relations on 8chan.moe, I don't post there and I certainly don't play any active role on the site. I happened to be lurking and found people sperging out about soyjaks, then later Cole sperging out about all the other pedophiles harassing him(because he is clearly not a pedophile himself) and I found it funny. I am writing all of this here, as their site won't allow me to, so have fun trying to cover this one up Cole. Shove your bypass denials up your ass when all I have to do is post an archive link to expose your pedo ass.

I believe some retard was/is spamming /soy/ with raid requests on the site daily. I'm not him either, but I believe this community definitely worth of having their own thread(I remember they had it on old /raid/ too). Post any related images of them getting BTFO so they will inevitably lose their minds about it(like they often do when people raid them). I like seeing them get btfo and their tranny jannies like to sweep things under the rug very quickly, it will be funny to post them on a site they have no control over


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margerald what do you expect us to do


I expect nothing, just posting this to make Cole mad, where he can't delete it
Just checked the catalog and an ancient 8chan thread already exists, no pics doe
Site itself is shit and heavy moderation means no fun allowed. I don't recommend it, it's only one step above a 'cord in both content and the degenerates posting there. Still, a thread with relevant info and pics of them being BTFO could be funny, since they do tend to get raided and mocked a lot, could help some 'eens out


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>Heh, these herdniggers have a chip on their shoulder over 8moe being the most popular site in the webring
<Point out that the entirety of the webring unanimously elected to kick blacked.gov out of the webring years ago and they haven't been a part of it since
>Get post wiped + banned
>Heh, like I said, chip in their shoulders see how I used 5D chess to manipulate him they are so easy to manipulate and they don't know it
I think it's interesting to note that these guys still think they are part of the webring, do niGGers have a longing to feel like they are part of something still?


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NiGGers still think they are a big deal and that people want to be part of both Gamergate and their new(fake) 8chan. If you post that nobody cares about them and think they're creepy pedos, like 4channers did in the second pic here
They will shit themselves, ban your post and then post a smug reply "Correcting you" while you can't(without getting banned again). This is standard operating procedure for niGGers and it dates back to old 8chan, that's why so many people moved on to other Webring sites, even if they're even deader than theirs. That's how hated Mark Mann and his niGGer community is among old 8chan posters. If you really want to rile them up, just say that their Gamergate General is a watercooler thread for retired 8niggers(which it is), it triggers them like nothing else since they still unironically believe that they can takedown gaming journalism with Gamergate with just a few tweets exposing the gaming journalists or something. Of course, if you post about the actual state of gaming and how pozzed it is, you will just get banned and called "niggerpill".
In other words, same "oldfags" that smell their own farts and still think that internet is le seriouz business that you see on 4cuck but even worse(and they're all pedophiles). If I had to describe niGGers in particular, it would be like taking 2014-16 era /pol/ mixed with current r9k and the absolute worst elements of /v/ and there you go: 8moe /v/ in a nutshell


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Updated OP pic since Acid made a comment about him shutting down his site.
Expected: He thinks a few teens posting soyjaks and people mocking him is a "coordinated raid" by his blood enemies and he can confirm it 100%. UNexpected: Dirt gets dropped on actual pedo grooming of an underage child in their 'cord by a scorned former moderator, I assume. Once again, it's Acid's enemies that are the real pedos, not him or his admins. All of this is said in the same breath as he claims that "Pedokikes" are spamming 'p on his site all the time. Since "Pedokikes" is a generic term he attributed to dozens of people now, that would also apply to teens here who might have posted a 'jak or two. That means he either has a funny definition of "CP Spam" or he considers bearded men with glasses as bad as illegal material that could get one thrown in prison(that he supports as "free speech" btw). I will let you judge that on your own. Funny how everything starts and ends with sexualized thoughts of children for Cole Lamberson, a pedophile.

While I am at it, I will re-post those images that he hates so much, just so that they're somewhere where he can't delete them with some sort of traffic. I will skip on the one where he unironically slobbers over a nigger dick, I am sure you can find that one in the /cow/ thread(as with pictures of Mark Mann spreading his asshole happily for the camera)


Oh, he's anti-SJW gamergate.


we bide our time, wait for them to get 'mfy


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It appears niGGers started their own subreddit, and are coping that it is a "forum", because they're oldfags and have a reputation to uphold, or something. Nevermind the fact that their site owner, Acidman(Pedophile) regularly posts nigger cuckold porn openly, and one of his capos, Mark Mann(Pedophile) has shown his asshole to the world and makes a fool of himself just as regularly, I guess they still have a reputation(to fellow pedophiles, I guess since nobody else takes them seriously)

Here it is if you want to raid it. Never raided reddit, but might be useful to somebody
I still can't get over that these niggers unironically still care about gamergate, looks like an r/donald clone to me, which makes sense considering both groups are have-been schizos.


>Pedos have a right to speak freely
On a site like 8ch that's all about free speech taken to an extreme that's true doe. As long as 'P spam doesn't happen then they're not doing anything illegal.
We don't have to like it and can raid them in retaliation, of course, but it's not as damming as you think 'teen.


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*breathes in*


this isn't your personal army and I'm not posting on your pedo.website


>We are not pedophiles you guys, you have to believe us! It's fake news spammed by cabal of our enemies that totally exists!
<How dare you post bearded men in glasses on our gooning gamergate site?! We will spam child porn at you until you go away!
Spam that catty until this crap is gone


OP is essayfag from alogs.space/cow/ lol


More like COAL am I right?


yes sir!


>after original 8chan shut down in 2018
aug 2019


A word of advice when raiding: Mark Mann(pedophile) has been found to leak user data when people tell him to kill themselves. Here is a link with more details, he done again just now
Don't forget to always use proper internet hygiene and use 7 proxies whenever you post on that godforsaken site.
Also, do not, under any circumstance, tell Mark Mann(pedophile) that you want him dead or that you will kill him, and ESPECIALLY do not post pictures of his asshole, he will not appreciate that and probably leak your IP or something


>8troons keep calling the sharty "pedos"
>As they spend hours debating the ethics of jerking off to children in their "gamergate" thread
>Still think kuz runs the site
what the hell is wrong with them, lmao
and they still care about gamergate, it's almost like that retarded failure of a movement lost because it was filled with retards(and pedos) like the tards seen itt


jannies delete this shit I'm so tired of this 8moe faggot coming here

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