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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Emily loves seeing her face all over /tv/. Give her a good day while she guards her retarded sticky.


Who's this? QRD?


/tv/ janny


tell us more

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This 31 year old faggot only cares about porn. ‘Ox xim and send Bibles, and Qurans or something
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Here's his self-dox vid from that thread.



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Nigga was born on the tenth of threcember 😭

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(ok, the /soy/ thread got shat up so im making a new one here.)

Gentle'teens, as what is evident today within the culture of the nation and the world, both irl and online, there has been the rampant expansion of Lgbt culture and identity that has spread its poisonous tentacles throughout the interwebs, from its starting point on tumblr, to /lgbt/ and leftycoal. In doing so, it pushed many of us out from our homes, most recently the /qa/ and has sought our destruction and/or conversion to their hedonistic, luciferian ways.

Well I say this, to all those who wish upon us, the destruction of our lands and culture, Enough! We shall no longer tolerate and allow such cultural decay and degenerate ideologies, Permeate the true Gemmy nature of the SvoyTeen, and instead, rise up against it in revolt of the Tranny tyrany and of their faggot coal-producing armies. WE STAND AS ONE, IN UNITY OVER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE LGBT HEATHONS WHO HAVE SO SOUGHT THE DESTRUCTION OF OURSELVES, BUT HAVE FAILED! SO NOW, BROTHERS, XISTERS, 'TEENS, I ASK YOU TO RAISE THE BANNERS OF OUR MOVEMENT, TO PERMANENTLY STAMP OUR MARK INTO THE HALLS OF HISTORY AS WE ENGAGE IN TOTAL WAR AGAINST THE COAL POSTING, TRANNY HARBORING, CHILD GROOMING, BRIMSTONE DUST SPREADING, HEAD OF THE CAPITULATION OF 'TEENS INTO BECOMING APART OF THEIR HEDONISTIC MONOLITH, OUR MAIN ENEMY, Treverspace.org !

Starting this Friday, on June 30th, I call uppon you, soldiers of the Nu Reich, Chuds of the most high, to prepare for war, for in this thread, I will outline the details of our Glorious invasion of this God'son-for-saken website.
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they block Tor and I'm not giving them my ip


holy fuck jak it


I sent the mods of trevorspace a link to this thread


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'em thread



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We should put an article out there that Disney is featuring a white man as the next Black Panther. Do it to snopes or something.
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go back to 4cuck


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 43132Locked[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Name: Orion Grant Passmore
Address: 402 E Camino Lomas, Tucson, AZ 85704 (confirmed; lives with grandmother)
DOB: May 13, 2002
Phone: +1 (520) 260-4473, +1 (520) 585-3886 (unknown which)
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Passwords: moomoo567, mommy2013, piMxv420
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077019760623
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@chonas420 [https://archive.ph/Mv4ey]
Twitter (EXTREMELY NSFW): https://twitter.com/SillyGayClown [https://archive.ph/xN5Kj]

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I'm already in the archive, nothing further I can really give


janny unlock /b/ please, for 1 hour


No shit dumbfuck. I hope doll rapes and kills you for being a fucking retard


oh my fauci I'm so fucking sorry I called you a niggerbrain


Moved to >>>/soy/4224973.

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What the FUCK jannies why did you lock and 404 a thread where we were going to arrest a pedophile


the janny is a fucking nigger, >>44444 was right


fuck is this retard doing? he moved it to /soy/ 3 times, and now /b/???


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first he moved to /soy/, then deleted that comment and moved to /b/

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explain this, 'teen



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iypa though

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>Make youtube kids soy videos
>Become popular
>Teach children to gem
>One step closer to TND

Editing software:

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Gonna start my own channel kek




Other editing software is Kdenlive.

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If I have someone's full name, address, facebook, linkedin and gmail, how feasible would it be to find the password to their Twitter?


search their email on haveibeenpwned to see if their pw appears in any database leaks and go from there
be prepared to cough up shekels if you wanna find the pw on a site like snusbase doe

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4cuck /g/ tranny jannies taking down Linus tech troon posts

What should be done about it?



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