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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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how to ban evade


delete cookies
change your ip
also kys newfag

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You can suggest topics and ai will make it into a segment of SpongeBob. Join and make topics





bumo because this seems gemmy

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yes sir o/


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got him to mention TND


>using 'cord

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>Let's raid Deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/

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Pixel website with no cooldown.
pasted a few pixelplanet shit to begin.

What To Do:
1. Install Tampermonkey on your browser
2. Install this Tampermonkey Script https://greasyfork.org/pt-BR/scripts/434821-owop-image-to-pixel
3. boot up https://ourworldofpixels.com/
4. fuck around

people are very sensitive here so thats funny.


use point paint for faster pasting!


marge how do i use this it doesnt seem to work


doesnt WORK.

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Can we dox the creator of that mario 64 beta romhack called b3313 or something he's having a tranny freakout because someone posted a finished version of his hack geeg

His name is Christopher Rios Lillo and he's from Chile
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


streamer here seems to be buttbuddies with chris, get in here and CIU by asking him to play the new B3313


go shill it in simpleflips stream too


The original wasn’t finished?



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apparently(I haven't checked) romhacking.com removed the finished build. lets CIU
send emails to reporting them to
[email protected]
[email protected]

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ATTENSHONE: Soyboys and chuds alike, I offer you a proposal: We must gather our forces and fight mercilessly to destroy a community called TotalFreedom (for the lelz of course)

Basically, TotalFreedom is this minecraft server that actually used to be cool but now it's a shithole with a power tripping militarized admin team and a player base of easily butthurt liberals which will be excellent for lulz extraction. They also have a forum and a discord.

Raiding the server will be easy. They have
world edit, so just wipe people's builds, w/e
giant asses and lag machines everywhere, spam
chat with obscene descriptions of your droppings
among other things, whatever makes them seethe.

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(sorry for posting in the wrong board earlier)

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So my idea is DoxChan/Dox.Party.

An Image Board where you can post Doxxes or request Doxxing on someone. Also used for planning Raids, Trolls, n discuss other stuff too.

These would be the Boards:

/dox/ . Note that very good threads will be saved and put into the archive where you can search For them, a bit similar to doxbin.

/doxRQ/ Dox Requests. Put info you know or ask for someone and in that thread (if it gets noticed,) people will help or interact with it.

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73 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wish I had more money


Doxbin already exists tho


we had this literally 15 years ago
it was called 888chan


Wasn't 888chan the place to plan raids against Scientology?


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help me gather info on this faggot
discord: poopmantheweirdo
his shitty server: https://discord.com/invite/eZvNZraT59
attached pic is him irl

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Post soy images on it



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