ATTENSHONE: Soyboys and chuds alike, I offer you a proposal: We must gather our forces and fight mercilessly to destroy a community called TotalFreedom (for the lelz of course)
Basically, TotalFreedom is this minecraft server that actually used to be cool but now it's a shithole with a power tripping militarized admin team and a player base of easily butthurt liberals which will be excellent for lulz extraction. They also have a forum and a discord.
Raiding the server will be easy. They have
world edit, so just wipe people's builds, w/e
giant asses and lag machines everywhere, spam
chat with obscene descriptions of your droppings
among other things, whatever makes them seethe.
The forum is a little harder. Threads and replies need to be approved by an admin (not accounts though). However, you can make a thread or reply where you appear to be discussing something legitimate, but then edit it to le funny spam (you can even give reason for edit, spam in that too lol). Users' profiles there also have "walls" where you can post messages without needing to have them reviewed first (ideal for the chucklez). Also PM everyone there with spam.
The discord is easy. just join and spam the fuckers.
Let's brainstorm in this thread if you got any more/better ideas.
Believe me, these guys will put up a good fight and it's gonna be fucking funny to watch them rage.
(sorry for posting in the wrong board earlier)