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 34024[View All]

This thread is made to easily compile most of the information we know about 4chan and how it operates.
it will focus in 4 parts so you can easily read them,be warned english is not my mother tongue and i accidentaly make mistakes by such as overusing words like "unironically" or "though" or other words aswell as simple grammatical mistakes.
im also not used to making these kinds of threads with a lot of words, so please forgive me if it comes out weird to read or riddled with errors and mistakes.
this is only a warning to how im most likely going to speak the thread itself so you CAN skip over to the actual contents of the thread.

?????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ?????. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/2
??? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/4
???? ???? ????. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/6
??????????? ?????? ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/8
194 posts and 76 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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They had an irl meet with a shooter scare, a rapist, and bed bugs


they removed /qa/ the mods themselves are the problem


is that from their d​​i​​s​​c​or​​d


Hey, I only came here from /vp/ just because an Anon from 4chan has the dumbest grudge of all time.

Entire thread here: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/54001394/


They post all this shit publically on the 4chan akshtually


the jannies deserve it join him in spamming porn anon and ban evade like crazy


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Wired wrote a long article where they leak supposed chat logs and irc conversations between mods. Feel free to read through it


My concern is about the dsw guy in second pic(screencapped from article). He wants to delete /pol/ and 'rebrand' 4chan. I have never heard of this mod, but have heard of all the others mentioned. Does anyone know who he is, and is he an infiltrator?


I came here exactly to post this
I ptu it on justpaste so no paywall


>He wants to delete /pol/ and 'rebrand' 4chan
He sounds like the only guy with a brain perhaps we put him in charge and get everyone axed and see what happens what do you think


The article also says another nuke went off. Not just Goodsmile, but Bid.Glass has heard of their deeds.


Rapeape is paid 4,400 a month by hiroyuki nishimura, the goal here is to defund nishimura, perhaps he fires all the mods then sells 4chan and then his sponsors mysteriously stop dropping him

or perhaps he doesnt then all his sponsors drop him and he is charged with allowing terorrism


The only way to rebrand 4chan is to make sure all the mods are fired and have an outside observer involved in the hiring processs so nobody is rehired on an alt, we must make sure when 4chan is born from the ashes of whatever happens next, it is not poisoned by the same absolute child grooming abusive pedo freaks


sadly it turns out the vrchat developers/moderators are in with the 4chan mods and the whole conspiracy, we have to target them too now, i wished to avoid this but this is how it is


Seems like a jannie or mod got fired, but the abuse is still happening, their friends are on the inside still

while its easier to post the truth about the places i loved, the abuse still happens, the jannie freaks need to be dealt with as a WHOLE


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seems like bid.glass, after goodsmile, has done lasting damage and 4chans reputation to sponsors/ad guys is in the permanent shitter

double down

dont give up quite yet

its not over yet, soon it will be

one or two last pushes

dont give up until they concede or die>>41204


I got a couple 30s on /pol/ before I eventually got fed up enough to post mod dox when they repeatedly allowed some faggot to openly post about jacking off to child porn. Then they gave me a 14 day but upped it to a perma when I wrote an insulting appeal.
They hand out 3 day bans like candy, usually for "offtopic" (posting an opinion the janny doesn't like, even in response to someone who won't be banned). I've copped a couple for "complaining about 4chan" too.


Where the fuck do you get that from? I thought they did it for free?
Also i thought it was supposed to be over MrSchizo


they do do it for free, rapeape is the expection
he's the 4cuck mod team's manager


If you rubbed to braincells together you'd figure out who "dsw" is right quick.


Is it possible to find out what social media they're on. Maybe a troon here can get them banned from other sites.Other thing is crypto to "do shit" to them.


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>to braincells


Very good. What's the next stage.


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Fikod is on instagram IIRC, invisibro is on twitter, troid is on facebook and linkedin. mrvacbob is on facebook.

Also jannies are handing out several bans for "offtopic" and "complaining about 4chan" in the middle of a spamstorm in /uhg/ right now (while doing nothing about the spammers).

Maybe we can discredit Zach, Jay et. al. among the normies by posting their real names and photos publicly and (correctly) accusing them of promoting Russian war propaganda.
Be sure to show the example of /sg/ coordinating a Russian artillery strike in Syria too, normies will go fucking ballistic with outrage.


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Hey, I don't really post here but I haven't seen this mentioned before, Naemuti's real name is Matthew Higgins. A tranny dox is incomplete without a deadname.

Earlier last year an unknown Twitter exploit was stuffed with emails, doxing a lot of their userbase. In this leak, the email for @Naemuti_ is [email protected]. He uses the usernames "YHaloTharSir" and "PiemanXC" elsewhere, but there is a Forbes account linked to this email named "matthiggins". It was breached around 2014 or earlier, which adds up with him trooning out at age 21 (now 30)

When I dropped this email address into Google it came up with a ClustrMaps page for Robert Higgins, this is probably his dad since he's nearing 70.
In the relatives tab it shows Matthew Higgins, age 30, exact same birthday as is claimed in the incorrect dox, although off by one year (1992-08-06):

To add to this "Naemuti" is listed as Emily Higgins on some emulator wiki, which we know to be his troon name: https://wiki.bitbusters.club/List_of_Chipsters

55 Booth Rd, Methuen, MA 01844
Landline is (978) 685-1254
Possible he doesn't live with his parents anymore but he's a 4cuck mod so who knows


Samefagging, cell phone number is +1 (978) 828-4360


You're doing the Lord's work, whether you know it or not. Remember, save fukken everything!


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Im not gonna joke but these people remind me of the pedophile elites who just party all day like a bunch of manchildren, doesnt swaglord have ties to outright pedo elites?


holy keyed


>sadly it turns out the vrchat developers/moderators are in with the 4chan mods and the whole conspiracy, we have to target them too now, i wished to avoid this but this is how it is
what about the furfag pedos on /vrfg/ inb4 furality incident 2.0 nazifur adition



mrvacbob has a twitter tho


its over


>Mods also blacklist your IP if they dislike you,
>Mods also blacklist your IP if they dislike you,
Yeah, I feel like if you shitpost hard enough I do believe the moderators look at your posting history and will look for a reason to ban you. The more you shitpost the more they will keep an eye on you.


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I'm gonna be open about this for the first time. Since we're talking about 4chan and I fucking hate that website now. I'm going to spill the beans.

So in 2011 I knew a female coworker who was 18 at the time. We were simply friends and so one night we decided to hangout and have some drinks with her friends. Now our group of friends are absolutely drunk. Weirdly enough one of her guy friends decided to bring up 4chan. (Mind you, mid to late-2000's early 2010's was peak 4chan)

He straight up told me that the co-worker I work with was coerced into flashing her tits for a moderator position. And she was 16 when this happened. I was a little drunk and I was like, "No way" but then when she overheard our conversation she was like, "Dude shut up" to her friend telling me. And then I was thinking, "This is fucking weird."

The next day I asked her about it and she said that yes, a moderator on 4chan asked her, a 16-year-old at the time for her tits in exchange for a moderator position and she sounded way more serious about it. And that was like a really big accusation. And I can smell bullshit a mile away but she seemed very honest about it. And ultimately I believed it. If she was lying I don't know what her purpose was. And this was all told when we were all drunk, when the truth comes out.

Anyways, I kinda wanted to drop this bit of information on 4chan when I found out but I was too scared to post something crazy like that in fear of a mod retaliating and permabanning me. But fuck it, 4chan fucking sucks now and they can go down in hell.


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Gay depressed furry mod of /co/ and /v/

Name: Michael Connolly
Address: 70 Iden Ln, Martinsburg, WV 25404-3575



fuck this retard for banning me


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How many female mods have there been on 4chan? We could narrow this down and ask them about this, find the identity of the mod who coerced her.
It wouldn't be pixel or kyat, they're both too old to be the one in the story.


This is probably the FUCKWIT who keeps hitting me with the three day for "off topic" literally every time I go on /v/ (the posts I respond to/responding to me stay up).
Thanks for this.




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I will add that the /mu/ janitor is a pretty pathetic Bulgarian man living about 20 minutes from Negru Voda, Romania and spends literally 16 hours a day shitting up a wide cross section of generals with his favela ape buddy and possibly janny, Samuel.

I tried making a complaint (lol) and got rangebanned for it and can't get around the ban, even on mobile with multiple tricks.

He will also literally have a mental breakdown and instaban you if you post this cartoon character on /mu/


>all that ironic coomer shit
No wonder that plague never gets deleted on /v/


>How many female mods have there been on 4chan?
Wish I knew. Hope someone can figure this out.


>pretty sure moot demoted all the old mods and installed new ones
moot fired every janitor and mod that wouldn't sign the nda in 2014. Some people signed.


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jannies copy this thread in /test/ so it never dies or something




Sorry to ask, what's a janny


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bumo for posterity


What's that site?


Personal army gem

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