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 40839[Last 50 Posts]

For the few chuds that still wish to take on CeCeFem, I have a proposal that could greatly revive the efforts (which has its' origin in the earliest threads on this individual), as well as give us some much needed entertainment.

It is well known to all of us that information about CeCe and his grooming network is scarce, my proposal is scorched earth.

What does scorched earth entail?

In order to comfortably do what CeCe does on the internet, a lot of opsec knowledge and thick skin is needed, this is true, and so what I propose instead is the following:

Many of CeCe's friends are mentally weak people with thinner skin and lesser opsec than him, so we could harass, verbally abuse and bully his friends in order to push the weaker ones away from him or by default push them into suicide through volunteering information on how one can take his own life alongside a persistent, constant harassment and, if possible, doxxing and threatening them with SWAT team calls into giving us information and intel on CeCe. This could effectively kill off CeCe's support network either literally or metaphorically, and it could significantly impact him psychologically and emotionally in a way that could either push him away from the internet or provoke him to make emotionally-fuelled bad decisions that end up in his self-doxxing—and therefore, our victory.

You might be asking, how could this be useful? Well, if you remember what Cecil said about CeCe:

>There was important info on the steam account, no idea what it was, but it's gone now.

I believe that "important info" could be his friends, many of whom are likely nearby him spatially, and so if we lead a persistent and aggressive harassment and doxxing campaign against them (since we have their steam IDs and can reach them), we could find out CeCe's whereabouts after his friends, understandably scared for their own homes and family members, give us information that makes us leave them alone.

(Of course, the use of VPN networks and proxies is recommended for this step.)

What should also be done is bullying, harassing and doxxing his donors and supporters in order to cut off his economic support network, this would make his hobby less profitable if done effectively and therefore it could push him to stop doing it. It would effectively poison his crops and lead him to starve, which would make the next part easier. We could also dox these people in order to get information on the money trail from their wallets to CeCe's that could lead to the latter's doxxing.

What comes next?

If we are able to gather enough information from the weaker people in his circle, we could send SWAT teams into his house by telling the police that a man is taking his family hostage in his address, and this could lead to his death, effectively convince him to stop abusing children on the internet or push his family to kick him out of his house in order to safeguard their own safety, making his child abuse schemes more difficult, either way it would be a victory. Otherwise we could bully all of his friends and donors out of the internet or push them to suicide, which could also push CeCefem to abandon the internet since it would mean that his friends would always be threatened, harassed and doxxed, which would also be a victory.

Who are our targets?

This is the known list of CeCeFem steam associates, we should start here, and then move onto his twitter and d​i​s​c​o​r​​d friends.

Jess: https://steamcommunity.com/id/jess0101/
archive: https://archive.is/ArnLR (Private)

DinosaursinMySoup: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DinosaursinMySoup/
archive: https://archive.is/192cB (Private)

Phenoi: https://steamcommunity.com/id/phenoi/
archive: https://archive.is/sYvqh (Private)

Cherry: https://steamcommunity.com/id/cherry_qtpie
archive: https://archive.is/M5NHO (Private)

IceControl: https://steamcommunity.com/id/IceControl/
archive: https://archive.is/ak41q (NOT PRIVATE)

HelloMellows: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198355492176
archive: https://archive.is/kaeZE (private)

femboypiss/dark souls 1 mushroom: https://steamcommunity.com/id/femboypiss/
archive: https://archive.is/NFunq (NOT PRIVATE)

More information on this individual here:

Happy hunting, 'sharty!



do /vrg/ slash /vrlg/ slash the 4chan mod circle jerk too please




steamid.uk used to be good for finding previous steam names, but it requires login now. could be good for gathering old aliases of cece or his associates that might've appeared in breaches


cece won
chuddies literally can't do anything


do this though


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uperald to respark cece discussion


But pushing people into suicide is bad too.


Except when it's a troon who already cut off his dick/is currently grooming minors



>You might be asking, how could this be useful? Well, if you remember what Cecil said about CeCe:

>>There was important info on the steam account, no idea what it was, but it's gone now

That retarded faggot took you on a ruse-cruise and you fell for it. They're still buddy-buddy and talk on twitter regularly. I dipped out of the initial doxxing efforts when you faggots fell for his bullshit and called anyone skeptical of a troon that was a friend of CeCe's shills, false-flaggers, etc.


Not really. We should pray for them instead and convince them to change.


managed to get into cecils private twitter. dudes a fucking freak.


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>erm... cece isnt AKSHUALLY a pedo doe... she is actually bazed doe and hates cartographers...


who is braindead enough to do this


someone whos mentally ill and being groomed.


People like this know deep inside they are doing this irrationally, right?. They must know they are just too horny to ignore the troon propaganda that's being fed to them, but not actually truly believe in it… right?



God I want to have sex with you


yes. they know what theyre doing is wrong and stupid, & that theyre being taken advantage of and thats what really turns them on. half of the gooner/bnwo is fetishizing porn addiction and going deeper into the addiction.


It’s probably like being addicted to heroin. You know it’s LE BAD but it “feels” so good


Proof or meds


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already posted proof itt dumb retard


I didn’t see it doe. Thanks anyway I guess


Marge what does xe post. It it like the normal gross shit but grosser or is it gay blog posts?


a lot of different stuff for throne, retweeting cece & other cabal members stuff, horny posting, blacked porn/captions, nudes/selfies, suprising amount of SH stuff and the occasianal dog porn.


>Le attomwaffon facemask, nazi flag, neoreaction flag
Oh no no no chuds what's this?




two more weeks until we have her doxxed, chudcelsisters!!


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>avatar in screenshot
While xhe was in this thread doxxing xhe was also
>inb4 im called cece/cecil/whoever
Xhe literally replied to cece on the same account.
<Reddit space


Same fucking font color too


You will never doxx her



i already have lol


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Uhhhhh 'teens?


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its so over for belgium bros....


dont care still going to huff femboy feet until my nostrils dont work anymore



based and gem


post it


Why are you guys going after this faggot? Sorry I'm not up to date on all of my sharty lore.


>Account doesn't exist


She says the word 'clitty' which makes small dick chudcels seethe


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hey do you have any thoughts on >>42788 bro i'd love to hear what you think


Marge why are you talking to an actual 15 year old about a porn account


Xhe wouldn't tell you that if they actually liked CeCe. This is either fake or xhe is lying.


Good job


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Coming from /soy/, tsmt and xhe only made an account last month when we've had ceceCOAL threads for the past few months. Wouldn't this just be 'teens trolling 'teens?


I don't think cece is so retarded xhe would let one of xher kittens write that they're a minor in their bio right below "owned by mommy @cecefem"


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literally all you had to do was shut the fuck up. woke up to this, and my account being removed from cecils twitter. apparently cece has subs on sharty lurking 24/7 (image related)


cecil purged their twitter of 200+ followers, and changed their @. whatever i saw, or failed to see was apparently really fucking important. imma post about what i saw in a minute!


This "'teen" is a gooner >>42754


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Are you a fucking retard as well as a troon?
>We know that youre troon a gooner
>We know you have 'p downloaded
>We know cece sends troons here to lurk and likely derail
>We know as soon as you were discovered you privated your account
There is no fucking reason to believe anything you say now. It's almost certainly derailment or a distraction
You're just as subhuman as the rest of these niggers.


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>thread is dedicated to infiltrating cecefems circle
>infiltrates ceces circle
>called glowie by people who dont even know what 'p stands for

can you genuinely not read the "Joined in June 2023" on profile?

also could you please explain to the audience how you found my profile without access to cecils twitter so quickly?


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these niggers are literally using the same arguments cece uses to derail.. holy fuck


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more proof im not a cece glowie


>Thread dedicated to doxxing cece
>How did (You) find my account after 18 hours I was only replying to cece
Holy meds, I'm not even that 'teen


is this the state of your doxx cececord?


Here's your spoonfeed
>Self 'p and old account, marge on the third thing
>Cecils still being blackmailed and thats why he talks to cece
>Cecils still open to communication
>He wants us to look into the butterflyACKED account he said killed several people
>Crypto shilling
>Follow chuddy guy Nick Land
>Read Nick Lands neo-reactionary book
>NFT shilling
>Total nigger death and total troon death
>Neoreactionary meme from a nick land book
>Crypto meme
We already knew cecil was an nrx schizo, and those types love crypto shit. Probably just trying to get his coin out there


She won btw


Admin 6 will resolve the Troon infestation soybible 6:13


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Got some brief info out of a quickly-deleted AMA thread with a supposed "insider":
>'cefem's group is "satiated" by race-bait threads and raids (for now)
>'cefem is aware of the 'sharty
What to take of this?


Do you have an archive or was it deleted that fast kek. Also what a fag kek


Deleted that fast.


What's more likely? Someone we want to doxx decides to raid and namedrop themselves for months on end, or a 'teen mad that the doxx isn't progressing coaling and namedropping for months on end?


lite aces is literally cecefems alt account..


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im not the only one who remembers that one thread with those nudes in image four? that was like several fucking months ago


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more proof if you niggers dont believe me. all of these replies are fucking glowing man. i think they even infiltrated the qafe before it got deleted tbh.


the final fucking redpill is that those raids since march havent stopped, theyve just masked themselves better


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xhe is not apart of doxxcord albeit..




so 'cefem is a hapa wignat with a larger-than-life BNWO fetish?
>or maybe he's just PRETENDING to be edgy to win over DA CHOOOOODZZZZ, who knows


Speaking of CIA-funded endeavors, how the fuck did 'cefem build up such a vast empire, especially when compared to his others? That bastard must be protected by some sort of more powerful group if he's allowed to get away with so much. A chess-piece to neutralize a group associated with opposing the narrative.


1) theyre good at editing and understand the bnnwo coomers brains. they make some of the "best" captions by coomer standards, many people dont even like cece they just follow for captions
2) they were groomed by meiji a very large findom (a real femoid) and are now their favorite which has many many benefits


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fun meiji fact, they have a sun tattoo on their wrist GEG


cece is a BNWO fraud. he doesn't deserve the follower. he's always been racist. the real BNWO hates him. him and his ex had sonnerad and nazi flags photos before they deleted their old twitter accounts too. whoever saved all the 'p media of cece's 16 year old bussy should have that natsoc pics. Post it


Yeah come on fellow soyjak teenagers post the 'p


So 'cefem is just a wignat opportunist following the money, extorting degenerates to make a quick buck? He does know that BNWO is antithetical to his (presumably) actual beliefs, right? Does he even care?


>sonnengrad wrist tattoo
>actively harms the white race through astroturfed BNWO fetishism
I'll never understand what attracts these self-proclaimed "neo-Nazis" to BNWO fetishism. Makes you wonder how much of an actual neo-Nazi they were to begin with if they're able to betray their own "values" for a dopamine rush.


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>’ce is a chud


So Meiji believes she is helping the white race in the long-run by weeding out the "genetic weaklings" through anti-white propaganda and findom? A giant social eugenics experiment? This makes both perfect sense from a eugenics standpoint and zero sense from a logistic standpoint. I don't think encouraging demographic suicide will protect the white race, rather the opposite in an age of social media.


Why is always hapas and non whites that are always about “MUH WHITE RACE” nigger if you want the white race to thrive go back to your gay chink shithole


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i havent talked to cece much, but i think its a mix of opportunism, cope, and doublethink. meiji said by getting these people to send money, and do hrt shes "cleaning the vvhite race" or some shit? another thing is cece sees this as "art" or something (pic related)? idk but at the same time cece is very much a sadist & gets off on this shit INCLUDING the blacked stuff, dont let xer lie to you. for a lot of coomers blacked stuff is just an extreme humilation fetish.


'teens are just NOW figuring this out?
cece is like a half chud? i think a lot of what she sendsis a mix of meijis grooming, internet addiction, irony, and trying to appeal to antis


The deeper this rabbit hole goes the more confused I become


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>when you care about the white race so much you kickstart an entire social eugenics campaign to end it


what youve seen is a fucking drop in the bucket. there is so much info the broad public doesnt know.


I can only imagine what’s to come kek


This is why goonclown won


How do those "pro-trans" circles play into this? Like, say, those egg_irl ledditors and the Twitter troons? Do they know they're willingly associating (at least with their whole pro-troon message) with a neo-Nazi's social eugenics campaign?


I’m not the sharpest tool in the box but I don’t think there’s much of a connection at all asides both sides being troons


Are you guys seriously only now figuring out that it's been chuds from top to bottom from day one?


Well they spend their days posting about niggers and worshipping niggers so pardon our suprise when these nigger lovers are actually chuds in a disguise


the reason that 'teens have struggled so much with this doxx is because it isnt the regular bruteforce that we usually use do. this campaign is going to take a lot of understanding their brains, and getting xem to trust us.


This is more covert opps than regular military invasion or however the larp is played


as i said before, for a lot of them blacked is a degredation fetish.


hi cece


I still don’t get it, I don’t know maybe I’m just too old school for this modern sex crazy world


Have you seen actual nigger lovers at all? This is all played up stereotypes reeking of eugenicism with kaliacc style grooming and troonery


they think niggers are subhuman, so for their girl to want to fuck a subhuman, its the ulitmate form of degredation. also a lot of them are obsessed with black people, and bbc so that also sorta plays into it?


>Have you seen actual nigger lovers at all?
My uncles a coal burner but he’s not a faggot like those troons


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>cecephlem won or however the bee is besieged




Max is their top donor


Audibly laughed.


hunter biden


Hunter Biden is keyed doe he wouldn’t pay for nigger porn


convincing faggots and trannies to stay out of the genepool is selective breeding


So it's mainly 'cefem's brand of troons that cares more about BBC than commie troons? What a world.


there are some subs that have given thousands.
one guy were currently looking into supposedly was in a car crash, which lead to a coma. he got an insurance payment of 13 grand which he then immediately payed to meiji once he got out of the hospital
also supposedly cecil is sitting on an inheritence of over 5 mil once daddy dies? not sure if this is true but big if true. could be the reason cece is keeping xem around.


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Marge why was that deleted


Any cases of commie troons getting into slap-fights / infighting with 'cefem's troons?


>which he then immediately payed to meiji once he got out of the hospital


>supposedly cecil is sitting on an inheritence of over 5 mil once daddy dies?
hes already hard confirmed to be the neoreactionary dark enlightenment crypto type. maybe not 5 million but those people always have obscene family money with weird connections - charlotte fang, moldbug, thiel arguable blake masters etc. etc.



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there was an account that some rando made that pretended to be meiji, which got a lot of attention from the broader trans community. there were a lot of people in the comments under that post with screenshots of their "content" calling them racist/transphobic/etc.
also there was a bit of infighting with a very large creator named "@BlackedTwoB" (xhe deadass has double the followers of cece) because of that fake meiji post, shits funny asf




marge how do i make it bold


If CeCe's troons all get off on self-humiliation and degradation, then why even use blackmail photos? I highly doubt either party will trigger CeCe to "mail the compromising photos" over to the "victim's" house. Another degree of fetishism is my best guess.




Perhaps. These gooned-out coombrains aren't exactly known for their intellectualism.
>Logic is meaningless when on the lookout for the next coom


because we gave xer attention


its mainly so they can force more money out of them, make sure they dont defect to doxbros/squeal, and they take their hrt. there is also a blackmail fetish so do with that as you will thoughbeit?


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>because we gave xer attention


>there is also a blackmail fetish
Figured. There's no bounds to the degeneracy of these coom-chasing freaks.
I can't imagine it going well for anyone who'd defect over to doxbros. Has that ever happened before?


porn FUCKS the shit out your brain to an extent where apathy increases to inhuman levels. then, these schizos begin to doublethink unironic nazism and nigger fetishization


TSMT. The only difference separating a coomer and a full-blown Goonclown-tier gooner is time.


Eve&doe goonclown won


Its true doe. we have quadrupled her followers


Goonclown WABAG doe


read the whole thing GEEEEG don't know if cece is telling the truth but xhe made the 2B account look like a retard


yeah sure.. it was a website with 12k unique posters that "quadrupled" her followers. meds & bbc now cece


sadly :[


gahhh youre right.. anyway no nigger breathing with an ounce of self esteem would touch your disgusting hairy lard smelling body with a 8 foot pole, go fetishize suicide and off yourself already


>post formatting
Holy coal doxxing ceces attracting offsite troons to the site who hate xem


>calls out ceces grooming
>erm… how about we keep the kids OUT of this..
its such a bullshit tactic


i <3 emoticons and my bwc i would never cut it off


Everyone hates 'cefem


2B nigger fell for the "15 year old" account tho. Even tho it was to bait cece as a pedo. I tried it with multiple accounts but cece never responds to me if I say or reveal age under 18. xhe even blocked me on them so I gave up


yea chvds he's totally on our side!!!!! 1488!!!!!


They aren't chuddies they just like the aesthetic of le evil nazis and also have weird racial fetishes.
It's like saying someone is a catholic cause they fucking watch Nun porn, know what I mean?


Are you niggers retarded? This is another 4cuck chud cult. They're always contradictory nonsense that barely makes sense, get members to cut and present as non-chuds to everyone outside of it and most low ranking victims. There is no way anyone would get a sonnenrad tattoo that they have to hide if it were just a kink.
Sorry to shatter your illusion that were doxxing leftist twitter trannies, but the sharty has always been bipartisan on tranny doxxes.


tvrthnuke that sent the 'sharty into "LE REGISTERED DEMOCRAT" panic mode


cece and co. originate from the depths of 4chans /gif/ and /trash/ board doe


Cece is Reiko 2.0. with more visibility


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lite aces, aka cecefem is now trying to tell me that she has insiders in the soyjak.party mod team? someone should try contact doll and tell him ab this.


is there any chance she actually has someone on the mod team?


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Do you think that Red saying how racebait is IAS has anything to do with this?


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>tfw cece's insiders convinced Max into putting up the BLACKED ads (as opposed to everything else)


what da hellllll


>convinced even doe max was xer biggest fan from day one


this is very unlikely but if true this is an existensial threat to the sharty.. someone call up dollie dollie doll..


def a lil suspicious at the very least, but i can sorta understand where xhes coming from?




>it took you niggers 6 months to figure out they're all right wing
This is why doxxing and moving on is keyed, lolcows are coal.


anybody who has actually payed attention to cece has known this for a while. these are just random sharty users.


if youre lucky xhe might let you in and you can see the shit i saw, and verify im not fucking with yall


Wtf cece was there for the soymommy thread


Same chud as >>43026?


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God thing flesh rots away

Not your bones however


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The entire identity of cececoal is probably a made up lie. some of these trannies will say they are much younger than they are to appeal to the groomer fetish. What sounds more appealing a 30 yo tranny or an freshly turned 18yo troon. All this guy wants is MONEY.


what's a good site to get past locked and deleted accounts? I have some fairly unknown accounts i wanna look for dirt on


I think so too. All of it is made up. cece is probably a 30 year old black tranny living in europe and his pervious account was a catfish


no xhe isnt. i can guarentee xhe isnt.


Yeah this is not the work of a young person


the entire thing is glowing. 30 yo pretending to be japanese because they goon to anime girls. the edits are too good for a young gooner


It's also possible this person commissions all the edits, if they have as much money from their grift as they claim


they dont comission the fucking edits, and they arent fucking 30. quit trying to derail cece.


Not a shred of evidence to debunk our theory. There is no proof the person behind cecefem is 18 or whatever. They could be, but it isnt proven.




anti cece log topper














>CeCe says he has someone on the mod team
>janny in the stream is an Australian tranny
Is Cecil the fucking janny?


>>CeCe says he has someone on the mod team
Where did he say that?



Made through Tor


it was a fake cord post or something






The janny was brittish and "The mods are in on it" is a meme, retard


is there a downloadable complete archive of xer twitters (cecefem and trannydefeat i believe are xer twitter handles) made before xe privated everything and deleted xer sensitive tweets? i cant make a twitter account and the wayback machine snapshots are like 90% age restricted


which stream?


lmao, as someone who knows her,
everything you just said is wrong.

Made through Tor


cece is located in bellingham, washington state. also doxxing her is on a timer due to her moving house to a new location in december

Made through Tor


idk, peaches may be on the mod team.

Made through Tor


oh man everything we have is wrong because this anonymous simp said so!


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>Made through Tor
You know this is such a good lead 'teens, we were wrong all along, let's believe this poster


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marge these two are not related at all besides being part of gooner retardation


i think we are running out of options (partly because we jumped to the sharty and shared all xis shit before going through it or at least archiving it) but is there a people search engines that only needs age (or birthdate) and ethnicity? all the search engines i tried are asking me to fill in a first, last name and address.. which is what i am LOOKING for and do not have


i don't see why anyone would make that
outside of hyper-specific edge cases like this, searching for "18-26 white dude in USA" is going to be way less useful than "johnny johnson from sneedville, arkansas"




they were making an unfunny joke, and cecil is british.


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if only he knew…


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cececord at large is not associated with goonclown.


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Im dming cecefem's black bvll about this
also why some bbc sluts pedos?




well then youd have to download the file of every 17-19 year old living in alabama from an existing search engine
or go to the huntsville pd and politely ask them if they have any records for this and this man living here and here in south huntsville, say that theyre your relative or old friend or something, DO NOT give them your id and if they ask, walk away


this aged poorly.

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