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adrenochrome general


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>The question of religious chemistry has been underscored recently by
>the wide attention given to the theories, already mentioned, of Dr. Abram
>Hoffer and Humphry Osmond. Their adrenochrome-adrenolutin hypothesis
>suggests that schizophrenia may be caused at least in part by defective
>adrenal metabolism. Very briefly, the adrenal gland secretes the hormone
>adrenaline, which helps coordinate biological mechanisms in emergency
>situations, for example, a fist fight or a threatened traffic accident.
>Heart rate is increased, the blood is sugared up and pumped to the
>necessary muscles. Adrenaline also may affect the emotions, contributing to
>anxiety and depression. In the body it turns into a toxic hormone called
>adrenochrome, which in turn can be converted into either of two other
>compounds: dihydroxyindole or adrenolutin. It is possible that
>dihydroxyindole balances off adrenaline to reduce tension and irritability;
>in schizophrenics, however, adrenochrome is converted primarily into
>adrenolutin, which also is toxic, and the combination of
>adrenochrome-adrenolutin results in a poisonous disruption of the brain's
>chemical processes. That is the theory. And the prescribed antidotes are
>nicotinic acid (niacin) or nicotinamide (Vitamin B-3). Discussing one of
>the villains in the piece, the scientists write: "There are few who doubt
>that adrenochrome is active in animals or in man, and it is now included
>among the family of compounds known as hallucinogens - compounds like
>mescaline and LSD-25 capable of producing psychological changes in man."


>b) (-) -Adrenaline (2 g.) was suspended in water (70 mL) and dilute hydrochloric acid was added dropwise with shaking, until a clear solution was obtained. Silver oxide (8 g.) was added, the mixture shaken vigorously for 5 minutes and then filtered. The aqueous solution of adrenochrome this obtained was stable for about 12 hr at 0C


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>you will NOT make the adrenochrome to gain access to the secret jew satvrn layer of (((earth))) goyim, thats called schizophrenia and it's LE BAD and a LE MENTAL DISEASE okay!?!??!?


chemistryteens… someone HAS to

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