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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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Ya like 'regabs?


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bruh they have 450mg i thought the max was 300mg


Indian pregarald


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do people really order offshore pajeet meds over the internet


I eat 1500mg everyday


I am in Russia, buy it in the darknet like looking for the "treasures" on the streets, ordering by yourself from abroad is dangerous, you can be captured in the mail office for drug smuggling.


i probably chugged like 4g/day during the heights of my addiction lole, stuffs crazy man


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Ordering these drugs is safe 'cuz they're not registered in Russia. Carisoprodol is nice, like benzos, but more euphoric, flupirtin strange, didn't like it.


Just now going to the drugstore for some phenibut, it boosts prega to max level.


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Phenibut, took 1500mg


fuck id love to try somas


I wish i had some


Got some signs of agranulocitosis after extra high soma doses. Little bleeding wounds in the mouth and lips. And this shit is like cocaine in sedative form, i want to redose every 2-3 Hours, fall asleep, wake up, eating soma again, it converts in liver to meprobamate which causes extreme tiredness and depression for the next day. Cool thing is time speeding, you are very sedated and everything around goes too fast. Once I fall on the undeeground station because of soma, police officers called emergency.


i've always wondered about these carbamate tranquilizers like meprobamate, at least theoretically there should be many psychoactive ones that are somewhat easy to make, sadly making them also involves phosgene sometimes cyanates and trifluoroacetic acid
like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenprobamate, note the part about it being "similar to barbiturates", they all seem to have quite a lot of potential in terms of recreation


>i want to redose every 2-3 Hours, fall asleep, wake up, eating soma again
I used to live this life on dissociatives a long while ago lol shit used to knock me out and every few hours i would wake up and autonomously take another line just to go black again for a few hours, keeeeeeek good but also shit times


Carisoprodol is isopropylmeprobamate, it hits barbituric receptors as I know. Only tried phenobarbital, there are no another available barbs in Russia.I think soma is more like euphoric barbs like seco and pentobarbital, it produces a really strong high.


So nice buzz from lyrica and phenibut… Going to eat a lot and sleep.


Carisoprodol also speeds up liver enzymes, like barbs do.


i heard phenobarbs suck kinda, now secobarbital or other fast acting ones are where it's at, would love to try these but the chances of them ever being brought back are quite low i assume, sadly dead drugs as far as i can make out


Anybody knows is it good to mix phenibut HCl with baking soda to make freebase phenibut. Heard it isn't harmful for stomach as the HCl form.


Phenobarb sucks, but a lot of russian grannies are addicted to these alcohol based drops which also contain valeriana and a little phenobarb. Some years ago
authorities wanted to ban it, but grannies start buying up drops in drugstores. They could start rebelling if phenobarb was banned. So it is still available prescription free everywhere.


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anyways it's still relatively easy to make these barbiturates, just one condensation reaction with urea and a substituted malonic ester, and yet strangely enough these never have reappeared on the rc market, kinda makes me think they weren't as good as people remember or suffer from yield issues during reaction hence why they are not economical to make


Keeeeeeeeeek i saw one old dude in a hospital once i think he was an epileptic, he got like some insane high dose phenobarbital each day which made him slur and stumble around like the biggest drunktard in town fucking hilarious


900 Lyrica and 1000 phenibut in the morning, tea with 2 teabags for the boosting. Phenibut causes tinnitus.


I take valocordin when i cant sleep


2100 prega, 3000 phenibut, and going for some nigger weed and beer in the evening


i'd love to have some phenibut instead of baclofen, easier to dose and such


have fun chuddy

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