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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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ITT we discuss dph stories and groom soyteens into taking the bennypill.
I'll start:
>bored at night so I take some Benadryl
>get drowsy and go to bed
>begin to hallucinate browsing the sharty with my eyes closed
>start posting on the sharty too
>suddenly I am teleported to a glass elevator in the middle of a high tech futuristic office
>disappointed that all of my sharty posts were gone
>the glass elevator begins descending
>I can see through the glass and notice that each room gets worse the further down the elevator goes
>the elevator begins to stop at an average looking room, it's not as clean as the highest floor, but it is still otherwise normal
>suddenly the elevator makes a steep drop into a dark concrete basement
>I walk into the basement since there was no way to get back up, so I figured there would be an exit somewhere
>begin walking into the dirty basement and see a sign that says "INSECT WATCH", which confuses me
>continue deeper into the darkness when suddenly a swarm of spiders begins to crawl on me
>jolt awake and notice I am covered in translucent spiders all over
>swat them away and fall asleep again
>wake up and continue my day as usual
>begin to eat lunch when I realize that I was still hallucinating
>teleport back to bed
>realize that I was asleep the whole time
>realize that all of my sharty posts weren't real
If you have any similar experiences feel free to share them here.


>take 'ph
>black out
oh well


mother of all brimstone drugs


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You didn't take enough if it made you black out. If you take them by the gram your heart rate will be too fast to sleep.


father of all GEMstone drugs


literally a tranny color drug


What drug would you say is the closest to DPH in terms of effects, never taken it


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datura is probably the closest relative, you should try it


datura or nutmeg


never did it either although we had some jimsonweed grow here i could have done an extract but i didn't bother
most i did was nutmeg while on an MAOI which was pretty interesting


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You VILL take the Benadryls und you VILL be happy


we don't even have them here
is promethazine fine too?


>join the 700 club
>see spiders and hat man
>wake up after black-out
>doctors ask what the fuck happend to my liver
Does this happen to you /psy/?


No because life already sucks why make it worse with dph


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lol last year i took enough to where i went unconscious and woke up in a pool of vomit


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>No because life already sucks why make it worse with dph


What are the benefits of taking /dph/ because it seems to me to be entirely negative


Someone edit in a small reddit snoo over the rock to the right of his chin just big enough to cover the rock

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