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/pol/ - Politics

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George Soros knows

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Don't matter the format. Let's get a /pol/ video thread going. Post any video related to /pol/.


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>faggot nigger starts the thread with tranime
nope not posting anything now

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Which kikes are being antisemitic in Israel, /pol/?





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>invades the next middle eastern country for the war on terror


put this thing into a closed off space with an angry iraqi mujahideen and you'll have yourself a kino that rivals the early saw movies, sad thing they usually pussy out and just opt to flying drone missions all from their "girly" bedrooms

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>92% german and 4% native and british? Heh, guess that makes you not white, americans.
>70% German and the rest is a mixture of various slav pig creatures? HOLY SHIT I'M AN ARYAN!!!
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even doe im 100% nordic


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>>>53698 (OP)
>even doe im 100% nordic


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"Native" wym like Amerindian? Of course that makes you non-white you retard


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>mongoloid soviet nation is speaking

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Why isn’t the shekel the world reserve currency?
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they would rather just go to goym countries and dominate them socially and use them to their advantage. then when it dries up and dies they can do the same to another.


because despite their evident tyranny, it's their style to do it behind curtains


because we don't want to do funny market manipulation and cause artificial inflation with out own currency, we fuck up the USD and thus the US, why would we fuck up our own country?


>Honest jew


Because fiat is a weapon silly. Why would they aim it at themselves

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>hate leftists
>hate rightists
>hate the state
>hate capitalism
there's nothing in it for me
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>I believe I see the truth because the Jews control everything or however the master race lost the war


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>>I believe I see the truth because the Jews control everything or however the master race lost the war


Keyed, go rape random women at night


kill yourself



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Its ironic that chud was made to make fun of alt-right incels on the internet, but now people draw him as a buff nazi. Either its satire or some soyteens are in their nazi phase
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if you use chud in a demeaning way and you're a socialist, i've got news for you. you're retarded.


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'teens will grow out of the edgy phase but will retain the core principles of nationalsozialismus, maybe one day we witness TND and TTD in action, who knows


you're a serb


even doe I could be croatian or bosniak, even doe ur a mutt


part of the joke is irony and sarcasm, also nazi chuds image based

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'Intellectual property' is neither intellectual or property.
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>we need a monarchy


It's da jooz doe


Picture is true but the situation in america is the authoritarian side of politics is winning, on both fronts. Now more than ever we have to protect our freedoms. ACTUALLY protect our freedoms. I beg of you guys to vote libertaryan. It's the best we have.


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I'd be fine with a Monarchy so long as it has a Libertarian/Minarchist approach to governing.


Fascism is corporatist and nationalist communism is socialist and retarded
there is around 50 varients of communism fascism has 7 how are they any way close

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George Getty: Story of Corruption https://a.co/d/eF96YwR
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shawn driscoll begging for more cum thread

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