Once you have been on /pol/ a long time, you begin to notice certain themes from various flags. One of the more curious phenomenon is the level of butthurt which each nation brings to the table. I present a detailed study of butthurt for Europe and North America derived from observations. This chart goes by an exponentially increasing scale of butthurt. In otherwords, each level of butthurt is 10 times higher or lower than the next.
In the most dark red section is Germany. For some reason, German posters are uniquely butthurt. Their levels of butthurt are actually extraordinary. If you could generate electricity from butthurt alone, Germany could give free power to the rest of Europe. This, curiously, would only heighten their already atmospheric levels of butthurt. German butthurt is directed against almost every nation in Europe, but by far the largest recipient of German butthurt is Poland. Poland, as we shall see, is the largest cause of butthurt not just in Europe, but in North America as well. If the average German is like the average German /pol/ user, Germans spend 75% of each day seething about Poland. The other 25% is devoted to seething about other countries, with America, Britain, Switzerland, and Romania representing the largest share. The degree of German butthurt is unmatched by almost any country on earth, with only Chinese butthurt being comparable. The amount of German butthurt is 400,000 metric tons of butthurt annually, enough to cover the entire world with 10 feet of butthurt.
Next up is South-Eastern Europe. Of the Balkans: Serbia and Croatia generate the lion's share of butthurt, over 80,000 metric tons annually. However, Serbia generates the highest amount of butthurt in the Balkans. If Germany is the China of Europe, Serbia is the Germany of the Balkans. Which is ironic since they are also butthurt about each other for some reason.
Hungary and Romania generate a relatively large amount of butthurt, again, derived from the presence of the other. Hungary produces twice the amount of butthurt annually and Hungarian butthurt is directed against a larger number of nations than Romanian butthurt. 40% of Romanian butthurt is known as "responsive butthurt." This kind of butthurt takes the form of becoming overly butthurt about how butthurt a neighbor is. Moldova generates very little butthurt, with most Moldovan butthurt being internal butthurt against Transnistria.
Curiously, the other former Yugo
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