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/pol/ - Politics

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Whites = lawful good

Jews = lawful evil

Niggers = chaotic evil


Any questions?


What about latinos?


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>Niggers = chaotic evil


spics are reserved whites


>lawful good


its da choooodzzz or however my neopussy dilates


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>whitoids: pillage, destroy, enslave, exploit every other race
>somehow good


and thats bad because???????


CHOSEN PEOPLE - Your GODS (they are your fucking MASTERS they decide what is good and bad. Morality does not apply to your gods)

goyim - Subhuman rejects.


They are niggers


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>and thats bad because???????


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Jamal Goldberg here ama


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bleed out chuddy
i'm the youngest 'jakker back


oppression and exploitation bad because??


its because it violates the right of a human


and thats bad because?


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>KEEEEEK! Might makes right my friend! Should've fought harder.



Damn wypipo control the whole world I thought they didn’t season their food


crackers = chaotic evil
Jews = lawful good
Niggers = chaotic good


Chud would say that yes because it's true


The Mongols made a massive empire pillaging a chunk of Asia, and they aren't proud?


>not every Jew
>what these guys are making up stereotypes
>well now I’m going to do exactly what they think I do


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not every Jew
what these guys are making up stereotypes
well now I’m going to do exactly what they think I do


I walked into that fair play


No race is "good"


whitebros stay fucking winning


enlightended swedish gem


>Balkans are white
>3/4 of mayo Scandis aren't
mountain nigga win


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you will never be white butthurt nigger

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