Any questions?
>>65561What about latinos?
>>65563spics are reserved whites
>lawful good
>>65564its da choooodzzz or however my neopussy dilates
>>65568and thats bad because???????
CHOSEN PEOPLE - Your GODS (they are your fucking MASTERS they decide what is good and bad. Morality does not apply to your gods)
goyim - Subhuman rejects.
>>65567bleed out chuddy
i'm the youngest 'jakker back
>>65572oppression and exploitation bad because??
>>65575its because it violates the right of a human
>>65576and thats bad because?
>>65572Damn wypipo control the whole world I thought they didn’t season their food
crackers = chaotic evil
Jews = lawful good
Niggers = chaotic good
>>65564Chud would say that yes because it's true
>>65572The Mongols made a massive empire pillaging a chunk of Asia, and they aren't proud?
>>65598I walked into that fair play
No race is "good"
>>65572whitebros stay fucking winning
>>65600enlightended swedish gem
>>65572>Balkans are white>3/4 of mayo Scandis aren'tmountain nigga win